  • 期刊


Research on high school badminton coaches' training behavior




高中 羽球 教練 訓練行為 知覺


The interaction relationships between the coach's training behavior pattern and the achievements from the player's cognition is an important issue for achievement of training. The purpose of this study was to investigate the high school badminton coach's and the player's perception about the coach's training behavior. Participants in this study were a male high school badminton coach and a female high school coach and their 34 high school badminton players. The female coach had fourteen female badminton players; the male coach had 12 male and 8 female badminton players. Data was collected by Arizona State University Observational Instrument (ASUOI) and questionnaires. Statistical analysis of the data showed the results as follows: 1. The instruction behavior was used most by the coach, indicating that this behavior was the main part of the training. 2. The most common behavior in order was: concurrent instruction, postinstruction, hustle, and question. 3. The less frequent behavior in order was: physical assistance, preinstruction, and negative modding hustle. Hustle was the most frequent behavior for the non-instruction behavior. 4. The male coach asked more question than the female coach. On the other hand, the female coach gave more praises than the male coach. Although the training contents were different, the instruction timing for the male coach and female coach was quite consistent. The feedback used by the male coach was negative ; on the contrary, the feedback provided by the female coach was positive. The perceived training behavior of the coach and the players were inconsistent. Therefore, base on the research, it is suggested that the coach should use more question and positive feedback. The coach should use the self-appraisal to improve ones own training behavior in order to develop the positive and effective training environment.


high school badminton coaches training behavior perception


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