  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess



最近幾年因為微電子與微機構的進步,帶動無人機的蓬勃發展,目前除了娛樂使用外,也已經慢慢開發出許多新興的應用,美國從2015 起就開始規劃與測試低空小型無人機的飛航管理,許多企業包含Nokia 與Amazon 等都積極開發無人機的應用與航管系統,在可見的未來勢必有更多的無人機在天空飛行,如何及早規劃與因應無人機的航管系統是未來無人機發展的一項課題。本論文主要是利用ADS-B(廣播式自動回報監視)設備發射與接收無人機座標信號,作為建立無人機飛航管制系統雛形的依據,實驗共分三個階段,第一階段無人機搭配手機,主要測試無線通訊與後端控制中心的軟體系統;第二階段飛行控制板、GPS 模組與ADS-B 設備 Ping 2020 介接,藉由飛控板GPS 模組提供座標信號給Ping 2020,這個方式必須飛控板提供介接接口,同時也可以節省額外採購 Ping 2020 的GPS模組的費用。第三階段採用一體式ADS-B 設備,包含 Ping 2020 與FYXnav GPS 模組,這種方式較為單純,只需將一體式模組安裝於無人機上,不須任何與其他電路介接。透過上述三種無人機飛航管制實驗設計,了解無人機飛航管制的相關技術、通訊協定、資料格式以及相關介接軟體等,同時建立一套低空小型無人機飛航管理系統雛形,可以作為未來發展更複雜飛航管制系統參考使用。


In recent years, due to the progress of microelectronics and micro-mechanics, UAVs have been booming. In addition to entertainment, many emerging applications have also been gradually developed. This thesis mainly uses the ADS-B equipment to transmit and receive the UAV coordinate signal as the basis for establishing the UAV flight control system prototype. The experiment is divided into three phases. The first phase of UAV collocation mobile phone, The main test wireless communications and back-end control center software system; the second phase of the flight control panel, GPS module and ADS-B device Ping2020 interface, by flying control board GPS module to provide coordinate signal to Ping2020, this method must The flight control board provides interface, but also saves the extra cost of purchasing GPS module of Ping 2020. The third phase uses the all-in-one ADS-B device, which includes the Ping2020 and FYXnav GPS modules. This is a simpler method. Simply install the all-in-one module on a drone without any interfacing with other circuits. Through the above three experiments on the design of flight control of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), we can understand the relevant technologies, protocols, data formats and related software for UAV flight control.
