  • 期刊


Investigation of Exercise Participate Behavior of Primary and High School Teachers in Taichung Region


本研究目的旨在探討臺中市中、小學教師運動參與行為之現況,並比較不同職稱、不同學制與不同學區教師的差異情形。研究對象為臺中市102學年正式教師,以教育部運動參與行為問卷為工具,隨機抽樣共發出300份問卷,回收271份(國小90份;國中101份;高中80份),問卷有效回收率90.3%。測驗所得數據以SPSS for windows 18.0套裝統計軟體處理,以描述統計、費氏精確檢定及兩獨立樣本T檢定比較不同組別教師間之差異,各項比較顯著水準定為α=.05。結果:一、臺中市中、小學教師參與運動性社團的比率偏低(43.9%),每週運動天數2.5 ± 1.6天,每次運動時間31-60分鐘,運動強度在有點累的感覺,運動類型以有氧運動和球類運動為主。二、不同職稱教師組在參與動機和運動參與後自覺能提升體適能比較上達顯著差異(P<.05)。三、不同學制教師組在運動性社團、運動時間、運動類型、運動場館、提升體適能比較上達顯著差異(P<.05)。四、不同學區教師組在提升體適能和參與滿意度比較上達顯著差異(P<.05)。結論:臺中市中、小學教師在各項運動參行為認知上大都是正向的,應持續發展並鼓勵各校增設運動性社團及提升運動場館設備,培養教師規律運動的習慣,以提升教師健康與體力。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the exercise participation of teachers between different positions, educational systems and regions in Taichung area. In this study, a random sample of 300 questionnaires of exercise participation were issued and 271 copies (90 from primary school; 101 from junior high school; 80 from high school) were recovered. The recovery rate was 90.3%. All test data were process by SPSS for windows 18.0 statistical software with descriptive statistics, Fisher exact probability test, and two independent samples T-test. To compare with the differences between different groups of teachers, significance different is α=.05. The results showed 1. The rate of teachers participate in sport society is lower (43.9%). The mean of exercise day is 2.5 ± 1.6 weekly, and around 31-60 minutes per time. Exercise intensity in feeling a little tired, and focus on aerobic exercise and ball games. 2. Participate motivation has significant difference in different teacher positions (P<.05). 3. Different educational system teachers show significant difference in sports society, exercise duration, exercise types, sports hall and physical fitness promotion (P<.05). 4. Significant difference in fitness promotion and satisfaction between different regions (P<.05). We conclude that the primary and high school teachers have positive cognition of exercise participation. It should be encouraged to add more sport societies and sport hall, in order to help teachers have regular exercise habit and good health.


中華民國體育學會(2010)。教育部99 年度提升大專院校學生體適能「陽光活動推廣計畫」會議手冊。台北市:作者。
行 政 院 衛 生 署 ( 2009 )。體重控制站。2013 年10 月13 日, 取自:http://healthmap2009.doh.gov.tw/get_it.asp
行政院體育委員會(2010)。運動城市調查。2013 年10 月13 日,取自:http://www.ncpfs.gov.tw/publication/publication2.aspx
