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The Shift in Chastity Contention on Lie-Nyu Zhuan between Liu Xiang and Historiography




劉向 《列女傳》 貞操 女教


The Lie-Nyu Zhuan, written by Liu Xiang in the Han dynasty, is the first female biography in Chinese history. There are 7 chapters in this book: ”Manner of Female”, ”Virtuousness and Ability”, ”Benevolence and Wisdom”, ”Obedience with Morality”, ”Ethical Behavior with Righteousness”, ”Eloquent Communication”, and ”Sin deed”. The author's purpose is to provide a caution for Emperor by comparing female in virtuous manners with female in sin deed. We can find the chastity contention from Liu Xiang is not only limited on the moral virginity, especially on chapters ”Obedience with Morality” and ”Ethical behavior with Righteousness”. All stories about ”Honest”, ”Righteousness”, and ”Manners” are matched his criteria and compiled into this book. Most stories on these 2 chapters are recorded virtuous females how to protect their virginity by extreme methods or self-termination, and those stories are the fountainhead definition of ”Lie-Nyu” in history. The definition about ”Lie” from Liu Xiang means ”Listing”-listing all types of females. The purpose of his writing is not to honor females in virgin chastity. However, historiographers change the meaning of ”Lie” from ”Listing” to ”Martyrs” because of many causes. And it makes a shift in chastity contention definition and it is different from the initial concept of Liu Xiang discussing any good or sin deed of females. In this paper, we try to find out the causes about the shift of chastity definition by studying both chapters ”Obedience with Morality” and ”Ethical behavior with Righteousness” written by Liu Xiang. And we also expect to figure out how the shift of chastity definition is.


Liu Xiang "Lie-Nyu Zhuan" chastity Female manner
