  • 期刊


A Study of the Multi-Denominations of Linxia's Muslim Society through the Observation of Ramadān and 'Idu-l-fitr


中國伊斯蘭教是世界伊斯蘭板塊中不可缺少的一部份。伊斯蘭教自唐代傳入中國,開啟了本土化的歷程;到了元代,中國穆斯林「民族」的雛形出現;明清時期,新的一波伊斯蘭蘇非思想經由蘇非教團傳入中國,形成中國特有的「門宦」現象,當時被稱為「新教」,原有的傳統中國伊斯蘭便被稱為「老教」或是「格底木」。十九世紀末,阿拉伯世界「認主獨一」的宗教復振運動影響了中國穆斯林,中國西北地區興起了「伊赫瓦尼」宗派,到了二十世紀中葉,再從中分枝出「賽萊非耶」宗派。 古稱「河州」的中國甘肅臨夏地區,上述四種宗派各擁信眾,他們在宗教實踐上有明顯的差異,各宗派追隨者的日常生活以及教親之間的互動也呈現微妙的相處模式。臨夏各宗派穆斯林表面上大多和平相處,但也不乏轉移到其他宗派者,或是極力批駁其他宗派者。 本文將以臨夏地區齋月與開齋節的觀察做為切入點,進行社會文化的觀察與研究。首先回溯造成臨夏地區穆斯林多元文化形成的歷史,並比較各宗派在伊斯蘭的實踐上相同或相異之處,再利用從田野場域採集之資料,探討並分析不同宗派的追隨者日常生活上的互動方式以及社會文化之背景,最後綜合作結,期使完整呈現出臨夏伊斯蘭的多元樣貌,同時也探索出造成此一多元樣貌的因素。


齋月 開齋節 宗派 格底木 伊赫瓦尼 賽萊非耶 門宦


Islam was introduced into China during the Tang Dynasty and attained the status of a separate group in the Yuan Dynasty. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, a new wave of Tasawuuf was introduced into China by the Sufi Orders, which later developed into a unique Chinese form called Menhuan, which was called ”New Religion”, compared to traditional Islam, which was called ”Old Religion”, or in Arabic Qadīm. At the end of the 19(superscript th) century, the Tawhīd revivalism of the Arabic world influenced the Chinese Muslims, and the Ikhwānī emerged in northwest of China. In the middle of the 20(superscript th) century, the Salafiyyah branched away from the Ikhwānī. Today Chinese Islam has become an integral part of world Islam. In Linxia, Gansu Province, the above mentioned four denominations all have their followers, and significant differences exist in their religious practice. People of different denominations usually get along well, and some do move from one denomination to another, but sometimes they refute each other vigorously. This study starts with the observation of the Muslim's Ramadān and 'Idu-l-fitr (the Feast of Ending the Ramadān Fast) in the Linxia region. The history of the formation of multi-cultural phenomena of Muslim denominations is first traced back, and the similarities and differences of religious practice are compared. The forms of interaction and the social and cultural backgrounds of the followers of different denominations as reflected in their daily life are then investigated and analyzed using data collected from a field study. Finally, a summary and conclusion is made presenting the variety of Islam in Linxia and the factors causing such variety.


Ramadān 'Idu-l-fitr denominations Qadimu Ikhwani Salafiyyah Menhuan


