  • 期刊


Exploring the Mission of Fu Jen School of Thought-in Terms of the Ultimate Process of Christianity


由於「輔仁學派」與「天主教」之間蘊藏著絕對不能分割的密切關係,本文嘗試用一個從普遍推演出特殊的「演繹法」(deduction method),即從普遍的天主教或基督宗教「終極歷程」切入,來探索「輔仁學派」對「天主教」理所當然的特殊任務。可以說,本文是「輔仁學派」與「基督宗教終極歷程」間的一個對話,直接涉及「輔仁學派」對此歷程的「非常使命」或「終極使命」。 本文包含以下六節:一、前言;二、略談「基督宗教終極歷程」的涵義;三、簡單探討「基督宗教終極歷程」第一個詮釋:「天主家庭化歷程」(God's Familization Process);四、簡單探討「基督宗教終極歷程」第二個詮釋:「天主聖三化歷程」(God's Familization Process);五、簡單探討「基督宗教終極歷程」第三個詮釋:「天主一切在一切歷程」(God's All-in-all Process);六、結論。


There is an in-depth relationship existing between the Fu Jen School of Thought and the Catholic Church. Via from-the-universal-to-the-particular deduction method, the present article attempts to explore, therefore, the particular mission of the Fu Jen School towards the Catholic Church. Hopefully, conducted in terms of the ultimate process of Christianity, this exploration would become a dialogue directly delving into the ultimate mission of the Fu Jen School. Section 1 is an introduction. Section 2 deals with the meaning of the ultimate process of Christianity. Section 3 explains succinctly what God's Familization Process means, whereas section 4 handles God's Triniformation Process and section 5 God's All-in-all Process in the ultimate process of Christianity. Finally, section 6 proffers a conclusion.


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