  • 期刊


The Reconstruction of Pingpu Culture in Xiaolin Village from the Perspective of Folk Literature


高雄縣甲仙鄉的小林村在2009年,莫拉克颱風受創嚴重,慘遭土石掩埋,幾乎滅村,原本正緊鑼密鼓地籌備平埔祭典(每年農曆9月15日),加緊練習的小林村民,卻在一夕之間,全村四百多位村民、生活空間、傳統文化悉化為烏有。平埔族群文化的保存、災後文化的重建、族群文化特色的建立、文化如何永續發展,成為上至政府高層、各個專業領域的學者專家、在地關懷平埔文化的文史工作者,以及經歷劫難的災民本身,所共同關切的問題。本文探討小林村自1996年以來,社區發展強調平埔族文化,使平埔族夜祭成為當地發展觀光的特色,但其中卻隱藏著潛在的隱憂-語言消失,平埔文化與現實生活脫節,文化傳統支離碎裂,夜祭淪為觀光化,失去其原有的意義。如今又面臨整個社區因遭掩埋,村民大量傷亡,要另覓新地全面遷村重建,肩負傳承文化的傳承人(Tradition Bearer)消失,剩下的村民被迫分散、選擇新居地,小林村平埔文化如何傳承?如何重建?本文以過去學者專家對小林村所做的平埔族調查研究,留下豐富的影音文獻資料,加上自己過去在小林所做的調查經驗,從民間文學的角度觀察,認為文化重建若能充分運用這些文獻資料,加強中小學認識自我族群的基礎教育做起,重新找回與祖先傳統文化的連結內鍵,文化傳承的危機必然會是轉機。


In 2009, Xiaolin Village (小林村), Kaohsiung County, were almost vanished after landslides caused by Typhoon Morakot devastated the area. Intensely preparing the Ritual of Pingpu (September 15, every lunar year), more than 400 villagers of Xiaolin had been buried alive. The reservation of Pingpu culture, the reconstruction of culture after the disaster, the construction of tribe culture and sustainable development of culture were concerned by the government, the experts, the researchers of Pingpu culture, and the villagers facing the disaster. The study investigated the community development of Xiaolin Village since 1996. It focused on Pingpu culture and the night ritual of Pingpu tribes became a characteristic of tourism development. However, it revealed a potential worry, the disappearance of the language. The separation between Pingpu culture and the real life, the breakdown of cultural tradition and the tourism of night ritual lost its original value. Now the whole community was almost buried and a lot of villagers were dead and injured. The survivors were forced to rebuild their village and the tradition bearers disappeared. From the perspective of folk literature, this study emphasized the importance of the previous investigation for the reconstruction of culture as well as the recognition of our tribes from the basic education of primary and high schools to search for the traditional culture of our ancestors. Finally the crisis of culture will become a favorable turn.


Menheere, Y. (2017). 權威與實踐:以台灣北部道士為例 [doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201703706
