  • 期刊


Analysis of YANG Hung-Tao's Poetry


金末詩人楊宏道一生經歷金代亡國、南宋亡國、元朝建立的重大歷史動亂,有許多相關的詩歌創作。金代詩壇領袖元好問稱其詩歌以唐詩爲指歸,本文就其詩文內容分析,企圖瞭解楊宏道的家庭生活;在金代、南宋任官及在元代隱居的情形。 進一步設身處地解析其「詩歌記史」、「亡國悲音」、「歸隱閒情」三類詩作所表現的情感。 並歸納其創作特色有「尊唐代詩人李白、杜甫、孟郊、孟浩然」、「宋詩獨尊蘇軾」、「長於議論」、「歸隱後多七律七絕近體之作」四點。其詩文中表現出反對詩歌剽竊;主張詩歌貴簡而正;在金代詩壇中表現出獨特的唐詩風格;與規諫時政的功用。 由本文可以瞭解《四庫全書•小亨集序》中元好問所言:「貞祐南渡後詩學大行,初亦未知適從,溪南辛敬之、淄川楊叔能、以唐人爲指歸……叔能用是名重天下三十年。」金代詩歌中得以名重三十年的作者楊宏道與作品特色。


楊宏道 金代 詩歌


YANG Hung-Tao was a poet in the Chin Dynasty who went through a historical turbulence: the failure of the Chin Dynasty, the collapse of the Southern Sung Dynasty, and establishment of the Yuan Dynasty. He had met those three historic chaos in his life and wrote relevant poems creations to show his feelings, thoughts and reflections. The leader poet in Chin Dynasty YUAN Hao-Wen pointed out that YANG Hung-Tao's poetry modeled Tang's poetry. This essay analyzed, criticized his poems and attempted to understand his family life, he worked as official in the Chin Dynasty and Southern Sung Dynasty as well as he left government to live carefree in an idyll. Furthermore, I put myself in his position that: firstly, he concerned about politic and wrote historic events in his poets; secondly he expressed his sufferings when he lost his country, in the third period he finally left his officials, felt free. I have had knowledge about his poetry traits follows: ”He respected to poets LI Po, TU Fu, MENG Chiao and MENG Hao-Jen in the Tang Dynasty”. ”He admired poet SU Shih in the Sung Dynasty”. ”His works expressed that he was good in discussion and debate.” ”He returned to the land, wrote poems had eight lines with five or seven characters each as well as poems had four lines with five or seven characters each.” He strongly opposed copy others' poems, focused on concise and honesty in his works, and therefore, he was considered a unique special Tang's style in the Yuan Dynasty; He was known as critics poems of temporary politic. From this essay we can realize that YUAN Hao-Wen in the ”Hsaio Heng Chih Hsu” of the ”Chinese Four Major Categories Collections, compiled during the Ching Dynasty” said ”the Sung Dynasty moved to Southern part of China. People didn't has a key thought in the society, Poet HSIN Ching-Chih from Hsi-Nan Area, YANG Su-Lung (also known as YANG Hung-Tao) from Tzu-Chuan Area, who gave the Tang's Poetry principle to look up to.”- YANG Su-Lung was a master poet for thirty years in his time.” This was the reason why YANG Su-Lung was well-timed for thirty years and found his works' features.


YANG Hung-Tao Chin Dynasty Poetry




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