  • 期刊


The Principles and Process of Stereoscopic Image Display Based on One Pair of 2D Content Photography


本文著重3D 影片製作原理與實務技術之運用,不使用艱深之光學系統專業術語,利用簡單之三角函數觀念,說明3D 攝影與Maya 立體攝影機之使用原理,並以多媒體工作者之角度,計算所需之立體攝影參數、人物角色場景位置、及與播放平台之相關性。本文提供多媒體及相關工作者3D 影片之基本觀念,了解3D 立體現象,於製作3D 立體多媒體有較通盤之了解,並能於作品完成後,實際掌握立體影片之品質。此外,本文亦提供3D 攝影及Maya 立體攝影參數設定之流程與腳本之設計,根據導演對立體影像所需之要求,訂定參數設定流程,計算所需之3D 攝影參數(Maya 立體攝影機參數),並根據參數制定3D 攝影及立體動畫製作之腳本,使得作品完成後,3D 影片品質能得到一致性之效果。


In this article, we focus on the principles of stereoscopic photography and practical application of related techniques. Without optical abstruse professional terminology, we just use simple trigonometric functions to explain how our method comes up with the principles to export stereoscopic parameters that could be used for filming stereoscopic videos or 3D animation in Maya. According to the principle of the stereoscopic imaging and the requirements of stereoscopic film director, we calculate the stereoscopic parameters (Maya Stereo Camera parameters), in order to formulate the standard process, and to provide reliable information on the storyboard of stereoscopic film. By planning a proper scene, the appropriate parameters, and good storyboard, we could actually mastered stereoscopic imaging quality and improve the efficiency of the filming. So that the final 3D stereoscopic film can get high quality and consistency of results.


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