  • 會議論文


Assessing the Management Performance for Residential Housing Projects


面對物業管理角色日漸專業及重要化之市場趨勢,物業管理公司需檢核住宅案場的經營效率,以改善提升企業經營管理績效。本研究運用DEA以經營財務、管理制度、服務品質及人員素質等四構面(8項投入、5項產出),評估個案公司2010年26個案場的經營效率,獲取各案場的相對經營績效與建議值,以供公寓大廈管理公司決策參酌與改善建議。各績效構面最有效率之案場分別為:F4(經營財務構面)、I5(管理制度構面)、E7(服務品質構面)及G6(人員素質構面)。就總體經營效率而言,F3、E7、G3 及G6案場有三次均為各構面經營效率的前五名,堪稱是最具標竿之案場。反之,I3、H2、E4 及H4案場有三次為各構面經營效率的後五名,故為相對效率最不理想且亟需改善之案場。比較個案公司2008年與2010年資料發現,該公司經營財務構面效率的降低,導致其從原本的邊際無效率變成明顯無效率單位。其中,2.74%的資源浪費增幅是由技術無效率所引起的,而3.95%的資源浪費增幅則是由規模無效率所造成的。


The property management industry is getting more and more professional and important. There is an urgent need for the apartment building management company to evaluate the performance of its residential housing project managerial staffs thereby makes greater efforts in terms of improvement and performance enhance. This study applies Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to evaluate the management performance of 26 residential housing projects using four aspects, namely management finance, regulatory regime, service quality, and staffs quality (including eight inputs and five outputs). Research results could be referred by top management in terms of decision making and performance improvement.The top performance of each aspect is: F4 (management finance), I5 (regulatory regime), E7 (service quality), and G6 (staffs quality), respectively. Since F3, E7, G3 and G6 are listed in the top five of the four aspects at least three times; they are considered the overall managerial performance benchmark for other residential housing projects. I3, H2, E4 and H4 are the candidates listed as the bottom five of the four aspects for at least three times, they need to be improved urgently. Based on the data comparison (years 2008 and 2010), the case company's management finance decreasing indicates it has become an apparent ineffective organization from margin ineffective one. A 2.74% resource waste increase is caused by technique ineffectiveness while a 3.95% resource waste increase is resulted from size ineffectiveness.
