  • 會議論文


Importance Analysis of Management Support System Development for Property Management Service Items


隨著科技的進步,企業與公司紛紛走向E化管理,網路與資料庫的結合是管理界邁向成功的一大步,遠端作業、視訊會議、智慧管理、電子秘書、建築物自動化、業主住戶對話平台、客服系統等等,皆為未來物業管理E化的趨勢。目前國內由於房地產市場競爭熱烈,物業公司提供的服務多寡、精緻度決定此公司是否能在市場中佔有一席之地,隨著物業管理市場逐漸朝大型化、專業化與服務項目的複雜化邁進,其作業方式若仍舊以完全抑賴人力的方式來經營,將無法有效提昇服務品質,必然會面臨淘汰的危機,因此物業管理公司迫切需要採用先進技術來提高自己的管理品質與效率、降低人事成本,並建立專業形象,以提昇競爭能力將危機化為轉機。因此,本研究經由物業管理產業的調查與訪談,運用一致性偏好關係(Consistent Fuzzy Preference Relation, CFPR)模式,計算所需服務項目的優先順序。研究結果除可提供物業管理業者參考外,更能提供資訊系統開發企業,有關物業管理支援系統開發模式的重要參考,除協助其在建置物業管理支援系統所需的專業知識外,並瞭解系統模組開發的優先順序與所需的元素,以提高其開發系統的效率。


With the technology development, distance operation, video conference, intelligence management, electronic secretary, buildings automation, residents' communication platform and customer service system and so on, application of these systems will be the electronic trend for property management enterprises (PMEs). Owing to the competition in real estate market and buildings construction toward to large-scale, the services and managements of the property are crucial to the future survival in this industry. Therefore, PMEs need to adopt advanced technology such as facility management systems to promote their services quality, improve operation efficiency, reduce personnel cost and create professional image for achieving high competitive ability. This study is devoted to the service items for the development of a property management system. Based on the service items of property management identified through the literature review, a hierarchical structure of three dimensions and twenty sub-items is constructed, and a systematic approach with consistent fuzzy preference relations (CFPR) was employed to assess the relative importance and ranking of these items. Discussion of the results is made and a brief conclusion is proposed.
