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Behavioral Inhibition and Activation Systems in Male Alcoholic Patients with and without Anxiety Disorders




Objectives: We hypothesized that alcoholics only may have a higher behavioral activation sensitivity or a less sensitive behavioral inhibition system, while alcoholics with anxiety disorders may have a more sensitive behavioral inhibition system. To test this hypothesis, this study examined the behavioral inhibition and behavioral activation systems in patients with alcoholism only and in those with alcoholism accompanied by a previous history of anxiety disorders. Methods: A total of 78 male participants were recruited and categorized into three groups, including 26 with alcoholism only, 25 with mixed anxiety-alcoholism, and 27 healthy controls. Each subject was interviewed by a trained researcher using the MSADS-L to obtain diagnostic status in the life time and the drinking behavior inventory (Form 90) to assess weekly alcohol consumption in the past three months. The BIS/BAS scale was completed by self-report. Results: Alcoholics with anxiety disorder had a higher score on the behavioral inhibition subscale than the alcoholics only and healthy controls. Compared to healthy controls, patients with alcoholism only had a significantly higher score on the subscale of behavioral activation. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that patients with mixed-alcoholism have different temperament from those with alcoholism only. Patients with alcoholism in the absence of anxiety disorder may have a higher behavioral activation sensitivity, while alcoholics with anxiety disorder may have a more sensitive behavioral inhibition system.


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