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An Analysis of Psychological Flow in Georg Büchner's Lenz from Sigmund Freud's Theories of Psychoanalysis


畢希納(Georg Büchner, 1813-1837)的小說《梭茨》(Lenz)改編德國作家稜茨(Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz, 1751~1792)真實生命中一段精神療養的記錄寫作而成。故事中,稜茨飽受內在精神折磨,外在更產生幻覺、幻聽、自言自語、失眠、厭食、攻擊行爲及自殺等精神病狀。畢希納以第三人稱的書寫語態描繪梭茨的精神情境,亦採取全知與旁知交錯的書寫策略建構稜茨精神意識的展現。 筆者擬以佛洛伊德(Sigmund Freud, 1856-1939)的精神分析理論出發,試圖以其潛意識、夢的解析與原欲等觀點作爲初步探索文本《稜茨》的觀看及詮釋路徑,針對文本文容提出「幻想場景」、「淫猥夢境」與「移情作用」三種觀看的面向/方法,作爲討論主角梭茨精神情狀的切入點,其中關注於梭茨幻覺及幻聽的內容與其自身及週身之因果關係、稜茨的夢境與性的連結及稜茨在接受醫師/牧師歐伯林療養/陪伴的時日所產生的移情現象等、藉此爬梳角色內在,透視文本意涵。 因此,常筆者以佛洛伊德的方式閱讀此文本時,即成爲一凝視(gaze)與視覺化(visualize)的過程,若以此爲一視覺閱讀事件(visual event),分析《稜茨》便形成了「我如何透過佛洛伊德看畢希納如何透過歐柏林看稜茨」的多重凝視。而在這樣的觀看層次中,主體與客體之間的觀看角力與想像便在文本閱讀的進程裡擦出奇趣並建構出讀者、作者、被書寫者問的詮釋經驗與況味,而採取精神分析與視覺策略結合的手法(tactic)所換得之觀看體驗形成了此篇論文的研究價所在。


畢希納 稜茨 佛洛伊德 精神分析


Adapting from Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz's (1751-1792) documents expatiating his personal experience of undergoing psychotherapy, Georg Buchner (1813-1837) created his novel Lenz. The story described the details of Lenz being tortured by the symptoms of psychosis, including visual and auditory hallucination, aberrant soliloquy, insomnia, anorexia, and compulsions to attack or to commit suicide. George Buchner intertwined both third person and omniscient point of view to describe Len's psychological flow and to construct the faces of Lenz's consciousness. This paper's aim into analyze the text of ”Lenz” from the psychoanalytical theories of Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). Based on Freud's concept of subconsciousness, his interpretations of dreams, and unconscious desire, the author discusses three ways of interpreting Lenz: ”the illusion scenes”, ”the obscene dreams”, and ”functions of empathy”. Using these three approaches, the author advances to discuss Lenz's psychological flow, especially about the contents of his hallucination, and the causal relationship between outer environment and his disease. Additionally, in order to explore the inner side of the character, and to analyze the deeper meaning of the text, the paper extends its discussion into the relationship between Lenz's dreams with sexual desire and the empathetic effects of him during the time his psychiatrist accompany him. Therefore, when interpreting the text with concepts related to Freud's psychoanalysis, a process of ”gaze” and ”visualization” are involved. Making use of this visual event, analyzing the text of ”Lenz” would become a ”multiple gaze”: ”Howl interpret the way Oberlin sees Lenz from Buchner's point of view through the eyes of Freud”. From these layers of observations, the delicate relationship between subject and object, along with the effects of imagination, would construct a convoluted relationship among readers, authors, and the observed characters. The research value of this paper lies in the combination of psychoanalysis and visual strategy.


Georg Büchner Lenz Sigmund Freud psychoanalysis
