  • 期刊


Nursing Experience from Caring a Patient Diagnosed with Lung Cancer Compressing the Thoracic Spine for the First Time




This article discusses a patient who was diagnosed with lung cancer and thoracic vertebrae for the first time. During the period of care, he was unexpectedly informed about getting cancer, experienced physical discomfort and disability, and caused psychological shock. During the period of care, from March 27 to April 26 in 2019, data were collected through observation, direct care, communication, and physical assessment. According to 'Gordon's Eleven Functional Health Assessments', the health problems of the cases include: Pain, physical activity dysfunction, and anxiety. At the same time when the patient was diagnosed with cancer, tumors increased instantly to pressure the thoracic spine, caused pain and physical activity dysfunction. In addition to subscribe painkillers, for the purpose of providing individual care, allow the case to accept cancer and physical activity dysfunction as a matter of fact. Daily routine in between nursing slots, teach the patients to play their favorite music as a distraction, apply essential oils to massage limbs or apply heat to relieve muscle tension and achieve physical comfort, rehabilitation practitioners perform passive exercise of lower limb joints to prevent joint stiffness and contracture. The case experienced instant impact of both cancer and disability, and through integrated medical care, he accepted lung cancer as a chronic disease and restored his original lifestyle. It is hoped that this case will provide clinical nursing staff ideas when facing cancer cases, will be able to turn their belief into strength, apply attitudes into actions, provide companionship support in a timely manner, lessen negative pressure feelings, increase active treatment willingness, and enjoy a stable and peaceful life.


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