  • 期刊


Chinese American End-of-Life Care Movement


Chinese Americans continue to have the lowest rates of hospice use of any groups in the U.S. In focus groups, Chinese Americans reported they would have made different decisions if they had had more complete information at the time of a loved one's death. They also reported poor communication between Chinese patients and non-Chinese health providers due to linguistic and cultural differences; in particular, the health provider's lack of cultural competence often resulted in a lack of trust. Problems also existed with Chinese doctors, whose authority patients and families were reluctant to question. The Chinese American Coalition for Compassionate Care (CACCC) was formed on December 2005 to address the lack of linguistically and culturally appropriate end-of-life education and training available to the Chinese community for those who deserve. This article provides a brief history of the hospice movement in the U.S., a sample of CACCC accomplishments to date, and a projection of future CACCC projects. CACCC is the only organization in the U.S. That devoted to the end-of-life care movements in the Chinese American community, and it also serves as a model for other efforts throughout the nation to promote diversity and cultural sensitivity in the end-of-life care.


