  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience Applying Orem Theory to a Diabetes Patient with Amputation




歐倫理論 糖尿病 截肢


This paper describes a 48-year-old patient's behaviors pre- and post- amputation surgery that impacted the patient's health directly in physical and psychological aspects and indirectly in quality of life. The nursing period was from August 15 to 25, 2011. The author assessed the patient's care needs using the Orem Self-Care Theory. Data were collected through a face-to-face interview, direct observation during patient care, and a telephone follow up. The patient was able to share his feelings with the nurse, who demonstrated attentive listening and caring. The identified nursing problems included disturbed body image, anxiety, and a deficit of knowledge. The patient was taught about care for the limb stump and the use of prosthetics in maintaining basic functions for daily life. The patient learned about diabetes care with a focus on self-care for limb health. The author also suggested discharge preparation for similar cases and an extension of post-discharge follow-up to better guage thepatients' adaptation to daily activities and work. With adequate assistance and consultation, amputee patients may adapt to their new life with prosthetics and improve their quality of life.


Orem theory diabetes amputation
