  • 期刊


Development of Work Adaptation Scale Measure for Clinical Nursing Staff




This study aims to develop a reliable and efficient scale for health care institutions to assess work adaptation in clinical nursing staff. The preliminary scale was established according to Cable and DeRue's model of personal-organization measure and forwarded to two clinical experts for their professional evaluation. There are 142 clinical nurses recruited from two hospitals in Miaoli district who completed the Work Adaptation Scale Measure. The component analysis results indicated that the Work Adaptation Scale Measure consists of two factors named: "job requirements and capabilities adaptation" and also "demand and supply adaptation". The result coincides with Cable and DeRue's model, indicating a fine component validity of the scale. The total scale and two components have excellent internal consistent coefficients (α), .95, .96 and .95, respectively. The four-week retest reliability of the total scale is .85. The results suggest that the Work Adaptation Scale is a good measure in evaluating the work adaptation for clinical nursing staff. It can be engaged to assess the work adaptation of clinical nursing staff for hospital administrators and as an instrument for relevant studies in the future.


clinical nursing staff job fit reliability validity


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