  • 期刊


Nursing Experience from Caring a Patient Undergoing Hemodialysis for the First-Time


本文為照顧一位末期腎病變54歲初次接受透析患者,筆者於2020年01月09日至02月06日運用Gordon 11項健康功能型態評估及藉由觀察、會談、身體評估及病歷查閱等方法收集個案身、心及社會方面之資料,確立個案主要呈現一、體液容積過量,二、知識缺失:高血磷,三、照顧者角色緊張之健康問題。筆者利用新意的方法來回應個案及案妻的需求,如:身體組成監測儀、控水教具、QR Code衛教天地、透析患者飲食之立式圖卡等,運用多元的衛生教育在知識上,給予個案及案妻有效率及經濟的自我照顧知識及技巧,符合個案可理解的方式衛教,同時利用溝通技巧肯定案妻其正負向的感受,改善案妻緊張不安之情緒,得以增加個案及家屬面對長期透析生活的信心。筆者認為持續的執行衛教及追蹤控制水分和飲食是血液透析患者最困難的,對於初次接受透析患者短時間想改變長期飲食習慣及行為是不容易的事,藉此可提供臨床照顧參考。


This article discusses the nursing experience of caring a fifty-four years old first-time dialysis patient in end-stage renal disease. The author adopted Gordon's Eleven Health Functional Assessment to evaluate the case and collected the patient's physical, mental and social data through observation, interview, physical assessment and medical record review from Jan 9^(th) to Feb 6^(th), 2020. The results showed: firstly, the patient's body fluid was overloaded; secondly, high level of phosphate in blood due to patient's lack of awareness of the dietary control; and thirdly, caregiver (the patient's wife) encounters mental health problem due to anxiety. The author utilized innovative methods to respond the nursing requirements from the patient and his wife, such as using a tool of moisture meter monitoring, innovative water control teaching aids, QR Code health education world, vertical chart of diet of dialysis patients, and so on. In addition, the author uses multi-approach health education knowledge to give the patient and his wife efficient and cost-effective self-care knowledge and skills in line with the way the case can understand. Meanwhile, the author also applied communication skills to acknowledge the wife's positive and negative feelings to reduce her anxiety in order to encourage their positive attitude towards the long-term dialysis life. The author believes that continuous implementation of health education; tracking and control of water, as well as diet are the most difficult tasks for hemodialysis patients. It is not easy for first-time dialysis patients to change life-long eating habits and behaviors in a short time, and this case can provide a reference to clinical care.


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