  • 會議論文


AMST Based Living Technology Curriculum Reformation


融合數學分析、科學探究以及科技設計的MST主題式科技教學活動,已在許多先進國家的中小學科技教育中推行多年。在台灣,九年一貫新課程的七年級已於九十一學年度開始全面實施,而科技教育則被歸類在自然與生活科技學習領域。自然科學與科技在近代科學研究蓬勃以及科技工程急速發展下,早已存在一種共棲共生的關係,然而由於傳統分科專業教學的因素,我們的國中生很難有機會在學校的教育環境當中,將所學得的數學運算與科學概念知識應用在科技專題的設計作業之中。而這樣的結果反映出,學生無法將三者做一有效的連結,抽象的概念分析與描述得不到實際印證的機會。 有鑑於統整與科際間整合教學的重要性,並符應九年一貫領域統整教學的精神,本論文將論述: 1.適行於國內推行九年一貫自然與生活科技學習領域的MST(數學、科學、科技)課程與教學架構。 2.依據此MST課程教學架構設計出教學活動示例。


Even though the pervasive changes exist in our technological society, the secondary school technology education has been weakly posited and students couldn't be acknowledged in their learning. This situation resulted in students' lack of technological literacy to cope with the real life world. In order to promote students' practical skill and experiential learning, we need to balance technology education with other academic subjects in schools. Technology education has its potential advantage when combined with science and mathematics in an integrated manner. While students learn science, they investigate the natural phenomena, and then use mathematics to testify the principles, ultimately, technology apply them to design and manufacture diverse artifacts contributed to the accomplishment of human world. It is important for instructional leaders to approach new educational projects that can infuse a new life into our school curriculum reformation. In this paper, we will propose a MST (Mathematics, Science, Technology) integrative curriculum project to reflect the renewal educational standards and develop an exemplary MST learning activity package as a referable course unit.


