  • 會議論文



科技為促進人類文明進步與生活改善的原動力。近代以來,科技與資訊的發展和應用,更已成為衡量一國國力強弱盛衰的重要指標,因此培養學童具備運用科技與資訊的能力,更是教育的重要目的(教育部,民92)。 於九年一貫課程開跑以及在教學中應用網路科技的雙重教學變革衝擊之下,國民中小學教師面臨了一個全新的教學挑戰,眼看教學的變革已經成型,但提供給國民中小學教師如何融合九年一貫課程及網路科技二者以進行教學的模式卻尚未完善,如何在九年一貫課程的學習領域中應用網路科技以進行教學便顯得十分的重要。 有鑑於此,本研究旨在發展一個在網路教學環境教師可用來達到培養運用科技與資訊之教學策略,以達成預期的教學目標。


Technology is the promoter of improving civilization and citizen's lives. In the recent ten more years, how widely citizens apply technology and information in daily lives has become a marker of nations' strength. Therefore, developing students' ability in using technology and information is the most important goal of education. After Grade 1-9 Curriculum, that teachers are required to teach with the help of internet technology, started to run, teachers of elementary and junior high schools have encountered a totally new challenge. The teaching revolution is mature, but still no perfect teaching plans are provided for teachers to combine Grade 1-9 Curriculum with internet technology. Accordingly, how to teach about Grade 1-9 Curriculum through internet technology becomes an important issue. From this viewpoint, the goal of this research is to develop a web teaching environment in which teachers can apply technology and information in teaching, and in this way the expected teaching goal can be achieved.
