  • 會議論文


Development of a Modulized Conference Management Software


無論是那一個單位,舉辦學術研討會莫不是以透過網際網路的方式,以網頁來公告其主題與內容。只可惜,市面上並無一套系統是單純爲舉辦學術研討會而開發的模組化套裝軟體,本研究基於此點理由,乃著手進行相關的系統開發研究。 本研討會系統的開發與研究,係藉由國立高雄師範大學工業科技教育學系於2004年11月所舉辦的「2004國際科技教育課程改革與發展研討會」的機會,進行實際系統開發與上線實驗。本網頁管理系統的功能著重在:研討會主題與內容管理、線上投稿管理、線上審稿機制,並對其中的「研討會主題與內容管理」和「線上投稿管理」進行資料庫化,「線上審稿機制」並進行投稿分類,以利審稿人員對投稿檔案進行篩選。所有網頁的超連結均儲存於資料庫的資料表內,以程式來做彈性連結的處理,例如:「會議主旨」,儲存在資料表內爲「會議主旨」這個名稱的字串,以及其連結的相關網頁名稱。 本研究所開發的系統具有「隨插即用功能」,可以任意加入或刪除導覽列的連結選項。除了既有模組之外,亦可以輕易地以資料庫設定的方式,加入自行開發設計的模組;系統管理者可以透過此種模組化的管理模式,很容易地就可以架構或更動學術研討會網頁系統,達到快速建制與輕鬆維護的目的。


研討會 論文投稿 審稿機制


In recent years, about all the conference preparation and process are on the Internet. But there is none of the software in the market, which fits the requirement of a conference. For this reason, the research is going ahead. The development of the conference software began with the design and testing of the International Conference of Curriculum and Instruction in Technology Education 2004 in November at National Kaohsiung Normal University. This web-system is focus on the functions such as subject, content, on-line upload abstract and reviewing. All of these functions are stored in the database and are automatic classified. The functions stored in database are handled by signal one program. The system development of this research has the plug and play function and can be added or deleted in anytime and anywhere. Except the fixed functions, it can be easily setup by the database setting and add the extra functions that wanted. The system administrator can quick and easy to setup the conference web site through this architecture.


Conference Paper Uploading Reviewing Process
