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The Study of the Recreation Satisfaction and Loyality of the99-100 Ground National Forest Recreation Area-Using Logistic Regression Analysis




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Forest are a precious natural resource that deliver multiple benefits. The operation of the forestry industry also brings recreational benefits, delivering usage patterns that are compatible with a green economy. These forest areas offer a place for outdoor activities where it is possible to experience both unique natural scenery and human culture. In recent years, steady rises in income have brought greater attention to quality of life issues. In addition, the implementation of the five-day working week in 1998 gave people more leisure time, resulting in greater interest in all types of leisure activity. Following changes in domestic vacationing patterns and the emergence of an increasingly diversified industry, more in-depth forms of travel have gradually attracted attention. For tourists, the national forest recreation areas are a new option. However, what influence the attributes and recreational preferences of different tourists have is a question that is worth exploring further. National forest recreation areas can provide helpful information and possible itineraries to potential visitors, increasing willingness to engage in ecological tourism. It is clear that there is a need to explore the relationship between recreational satisfaction and loyalty. Research Objectives are as bellows: 1. Survey the demographic structure of visitors. 2. Level of Satisfaction and Loyalty of Visitors. Conslusion: 1. Demographic Variables: Males aged between 40 and 49 years, university graduates, civil servants, unmarried people, those with monthly income between NT$40,001 and NT$60,000, those living in East Taiwan, and those who participate in leisure activities around five times a month made up the largest groups of respondents. 1. Degree of Loyalty: The vast majority of visitors expressed a willingness to return and would recommend to friends and relatives and otherwise promote its merits. However, only one in two visitors said that the area was their first choice. 3. Calculating Degree of Loyalty from Degree of Satisfaction: Our research has shown that the landscape and environment dimension and the relaxation activities dimension have a significant correlation will willingness to return.


tourist behavior marketing regression


