  • 期刊


A Study on the Relationships among Service Quality, Satisfaction, and Loyalty of Tourists for Reifong Night Market


「夜市」是台灣地區特有的一種夜間文化,兼具休閒、消費與娛樂的功能,在國人的心中是頗具代表性的一種本土文化之一。「瑞豐夜市」深受在地人的喜愛,是高雄地區規模最大、頗具代表性的夜市,故本研究將以高雄瑞豐夜市作為研究對象。其目的在於探討:(一)遊客對瑞豐夜市服務品質重視程度。(二)遊客對瑞豐夜市服務品質的重視程度與滿意度的差別。(三)遊客對瑞豐夜市服務品質對忠誠度的相關性,並透過量化研究方式,對遊客進行問卷測試。以便利抽樣的方式進行問卷調查,研究工具包含:夜市服務品質量表、滿意度與忠誠度量表及遊客個人基本資料,經由敘述性統計、信度分析、獨立樣本t 檢定、變異數分析、交叉分析等統計方法,進行遊客對瑞豐夜市之服務品質、滿意度與忠誠度的相關性研究。結果顯示,性別與平均每月逛此夜市的次數對服務品質滿意度有顯著的差異;服務品質各構面間皆有顯著的差異;遊客整體滿意度會影響遊客忠誠度。


”Night” is a unique night in Taiwan culture, both for leisure and shopping and entertainment functions in the hearts of people is fairly representative of a local culture. ”Ruifeng night market” of people deeply in love, is the largest Kaohsiung area, fairly representative of the night market, so this study will be a night market in Kaohsiung Ruifeng study. The aim is to explore: (a) the quality of tourist services for Ruifeng Night emphasis. (b) tourists Ruifeng Night service quality and satisfaction degree of attention the difference. (c) the quality of tourist services for Ruifeng night market relevance of loyalty, and through quantitative research methods, a questionnaire for visitors to test.In this study, convenience sampling approach to survey research tools include: Night service quality scale, satisfaction and loyalty scale and tourists basic personal information, through descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, independent sample t-test, ANOVA cross-analysis and other statistical methods, the night market for tourists Ruifeng service quality, satisfaction and loyalty-related research. The results show that gender and visiting the night market, the average monthly number of service quality and satisfaction on the significant differences; the dimensions of quality of service significantly different between the Jie; tourists will affect tourists' overall satisfaction, loyalty.


