  • 期刊


Awareness and Willingness to Use of Long Term Care for Peoples in Southern Taiwan




The elderly care is not only a social issue but also a main policy of social welfare. To know the public need of long term care is a key point of policy on the long term care resources development. This article presents a comparative analysis of the level of awareness and willingness to use of long term care services by 425 peoples in Southern Taiwan, and to exploring the factors of the difference of willingness with social-psychology perspective. The study subjects were from Tainan and Kaohsiung districts and use cross-sectional survey method. The data was collected with questionnaire by face to face interview. The respondent rate was 77.2%. We found extremely low levels of awareness of community-based long term care among southern Taiwan peoples, especially respite care (31.3%) and emergency call services (55.5%). Intentions to use the community-based long term care services were relatively high in community-based care (94.1%), and were influenced by disease status, afraid of long period care by others in aged, and difficult to obtain the help of neighborhood. The intentions were lower in younger. Policies to increase the advertise the community based long term care services and correct services information in Southern Taiwan were strongly recommended.


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