  • 期刊


Research of Exhaust Carbon Dioxide of the Water and Electricity Pipeline in Life Cycle of Taiwan Buildings


人類文明的開發與使用能源,對於環境的破壞規模,已擴大到地球尺度,其中尤以「臭氧層破壞」、「地球溫暖化」等全球性環境問題,最受世界各國矚目,並已成爲國際上的政治議題,因此建築產業如何降低CO2的排放儼然成爲熱門研究議題。 台灣建築相關產業使用能源的二氧化碳總排放量,約佔全國總排放量的28.8%(林憲德,2007)。本研究以建築物生命週期評估觀念,探討建築物水電管線建材耗能數據,以擴充建材環境負荷資料庫。本研究繼建築物軀體工程、室內裝修工程後,針對建築物水電工程部分之耗能量與二氧化碳排放量作深入調查與解析,除了擴充我國建材環境負荷資料庫,也可讓建築物生命週期評估法可以更爲精確預測。 本研究首先針對建築物水電管線材料進行耗能量調查及建立二氧化碳排放量資料庫,其次經由台灣地區常見中高層住商混合類建築物實際案例作水電管線材料使用量解析,並且將結果併入既有建築物生命週期環境負荷體系,初步呈現水電工程約佔整體建築物環境負荷比例的7.8%。環境負荷的解析方法採用聯合國「氣候變化政府間專家委員會」,IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)所採用方法,以「能源消耗量」與「二氧化碳排放量」作爲環境負荷量的評量標的。據此,讓我們得以在建築物營建之前,經由模擬評估二氧化碳排放量,便能預測建築物生命週期完整歷程對於環境的衝擊程度,期能創造出低環境負荷之綠建築。


The purpose of this research is to discuss the global environment influenced by the architecture on the basis of the life cycle of the building. Through the process of producing and destruction of architecture, we evaluated the environment load in the facilities of building. The evaluation of environment load depends on energy consumption and exhaust carbon dioxide. The industries of building of Taiwan use the total emission of carbon dioxide of the energy, account for 28.8% of Taiwan total emission. The environmental load analytic method adopts Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Methods, marked with' the emission of carbon dioxide 'as the commenting amount of the environmental load with 'the consumption of energy'. This research used the life cycle assessment method, probe into the emission of carbon dioxide of the building water and electricity pipeline; meanwhile, we will to establish the database. This research is made and investigated further and analyzed to the emission of carbon dioxide of the facilities project of the building, and investigate the Taiwan on the senior level building case actually, receive the result and show 7.8% accounting for the proportion of environmental load of whole building in water and electricity pipeline project. By the life cycle model analyzed in previous study, we may calculate the environmental load before finishing buildings and evaluate the environmental destruction caused by the architecture. We wish to create a green architecture world with lower environmental load.


Lin, C. Y. (2012). 銅元素都市代謝-以台北市為例 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.01320
