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Xanthomonas compestris pv. incanae引起之紫羅蘭細菌性萎凋病

Bacterial Blight of Stocks Caused by Xanthomonas Campestris Pv. Incanae


2006年春於彰化縣紫羅蘭栽培區採集到的萎凋型病株,花葉呈失水狀,莖基部老葉黃化脫落,脫落處傷口明顯,並往上下縱裂,由表皮往內褐化,無腐爛現象,橫切根部置於清水中有明顯菌流。牛肉煎汁培養基平板之菌落為黃色。接種菸草數日後黃化,未呈現典型過敏性反應。以5號蟲針沾菌針刺接種紫羅蘭莖部,2-3天後接種部位初呈水浸狀,水浸狀斑往上、下擴大,漸轉為黑褐色,5天後由接種側開始出現輕微萎凋症狀,往上及下葉片黃化掉落,葉片脫落處痕跡明顯凹陷、褐化,有縱裂現象,約3週後全株枯死。危害4種供試紫羅蘭品種,但不危害其他9種十字花科蔬菜及6種非十字花科植物。本研究結果確認引起紫羅蘭細菌性萎凋病之病原細菌為Xanthomonas campestris pv. incanae。室內藥劑試驗結果顯示20%歐索林酸可濕性粉劑、40%銅快得寧可濕性粉劑、68.6%多保鏈黴素可濕性粉劑有抑菌效果。


Plants of stock with wilting symptoms were collected at fields in Zhang Hua in 2006. Isolated pathogen grown on nutrient agar showed yollow colony. There was non-typical hypersensitive reaction on tobacco leaves. Typical symptoms was observed in the plant stems wounded with sharp needle and then sprayed with bacterial suspension. Plants showed large, irregular, oblong to linear, watersoaked areas on the inoculated stem. The lesions later became sunken, dark brown lesions, and the plants died 3 weeks after inoculation. The pathogen can infect 4 stock varieties, but can't infect 9 tested varieties of Brassica. Following Koch's postulates, the pathogen was identified as Xanthomonas campestris pv. incanae. The results showed that pesticides Oxolinic acid, Oxine-copper+Cupric hydroxide and Atakin were able to inhibit the growth of the pathogen in vitro.
