  • 期刊


Effects of Cultural Methods on Grain Yield and Quality of Rice Cultivars




栽植方式 水稻 產量 米質


Field studies were conducted in 1992 and 1993 to determine the effects of cultural methods and cultivars on grain yield and quality of rice.Rice cultivars HC 64, TNG 67, TK 4, TC 189 and KH 142 were planted by drilling, broadcasting and transplanting. There were no difference in grain yield among cultural methods. However, significant different in varietial performance for grain yield were observed; Highest yielding cultivar was HC 64 and KH 142 had the lowest yield.There was no significant difference in grain yield harvested in the first crop season between transplanting and drill seeding. However, grain yield reduced 5.7% by broadcast seeding.In second crop season, the highest yield was noted in broadcast seeding, significant difference in grain yield among the cultural methods was observed. Differences in grain yield among cultivars were significant; yields of HC 64 and TNG 67 were significantly higher than the average yields of other three cultivars.Results of quality analyses of the grain revealed that no difference in volumetric weight, milling percentage and appearance of grain were observed for all cultural methods and between two crop seasons.


Cultural mefhod Rice Grain yield Quality
