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Improvements in Cultivation Techniques of the Pot Mum Stock Plant


本試驗旨在探討盆菊(Dendranthema grandiflorum)母株摘心長度,採穗次數對其插穗品質之影響,暨插穗冷藏時間對其發根之影響。結果顯示摘心長度及摘心次數對盆菊插穗產量和品質有顯著影響。摘心長度0.5 cm處理可得最多插穗數。插穗品質以摘心長度3 cm及1 cm處理較佳,0.5 cm處理其插穗品質較差。盆菊母本插穗產量在前4次採穗中隨採穗次數增加而增加,第5次以後產量降低,且插穗品質亦隨採穗次數增加而降低。插穗置於10℃冷藏20及30天,影響插穗乾重及發根數,「霓紅」品種在24天後、「褔吉」品種於29天後,葉片開始黃化;經10℃冷藏30天的插穗,扦插後仍可正常發根惟發根數較少,對後續生育並無顯著影響。盆菊插穗直接扦插於盆中,其發根及生育情形與穴盤扦插後再移植無異。


盆菊 母本 插穗


Experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of pinching on the cutting growth and quality, and cold storage on rooting of pot mum. Cutting numbers and quality of pot mum stock plants were significantly affected by length and times of pinching. The highest number of cutting for ”Neoga” and ”Forge” were obtained by 0.5 cm pinched plants, and the lowest number of cutting were due to 3 cm pinch treatments. The quality of cutting were better in 3 cm and 1 cm pinched plants of ”Neoga” and ”Forge” compared to 0.5 cm pinched plants. In Forge and ”Deep Luv.” number of cutting increased with increasing frequency of pinch of pinching times, however over 4 times of pinching the quality of cutting was significantly reduced. The effect of cold storage at 10℃ for 20 days and 30 days on dry weight and roots of cuttings of ”Neoga” and ”Forge” plants was investigated. Chlorosis of leaves was noted from 24 days for ”Neoga” and 29 days for ”Forge” after treatments. Reduction in rooting was observed when cuttings were stored for 30 days under 10℃ conditions, but there were no influence on subsequent development and growth. No significant differences in rooting between direct cutting and plug cutting treatments were found.


pot mum stock plant cutting



