  • 期刊

使用者對Wii Fit持續使用意願之探討:期望確認理論之應用

Explaining Wii Fit Continuance Usage: An Expectation Confirmation Model


Wii Fit係日本任天堂公司所推出的運動健康管理的電玩遊戲,本研究以期望確認理論(Expectation Confirmation Theory, ECT)做為理論基礎,針對Wii Fit其遊戲特性,建構Wii Fit玩家持續使用行為模式,以解釋使用者對於Wii Fit的持續使用意圖,了解影響持續使用意圖的相關因素。本研究以16歲以上、家中擁有Wii Fit並且在三個月內具有使用經驗者作爲研究對象。抽樣方式分為二階段,首先以便利抽樣方式尋找擁有Wii Fit的家戶,再以系統抽樣之方式,由家戶成員中挑選受訪者接受調查。共計獲得231份有效問卷。研究結果顯示:Wii Fit使用者其確認程度對於之認知有用性、認知易用性以及認知玩趣性具有正向顯著的影響;而確認程度與知覺玩趣性對於滿意度有正向顯著的影響。然而,本研究卻未發現認知有用性與認知易用性對於使用者的滿意度具有正向顯著的影響。顯示受訪者雖然認為Wii Fit具有有用性與易用性,但其滿意度卻取決於其娛樂效果;換言之,Wii Fit被視為一種娛樂性質高的運動遊戲軟體。此外,本研究發現ECT無法捕捉遊戲軟體使用者的持續使用意圖,此乃過去研究以資訊系統為研究主體所未曾獲得的研究結果。本研究根據研究結果提出相關建議,供遊戲廠商及後續研究參考。


Wii Fit is a video game developed by the Nintendo Corporation, a company founded in Japan, and has been used for fitness and health administration like physiotherapy rehabilitation. Wii Fit being as a study case, this study investigated the continuance of this exercise entertainment product based on the Expectation Confirmation Theory (ECT). An original model which examined cognitive beliefs and effects that influence a person's intention to continue to use information system was integrated with perceived playfulness and ease of use to theorize an extended ECT model of Wii Fit continuance. The research hypotheses derived from this model were empirically validated using a survey of Wii Fit users. The survey was conducted under a two-staged sampling scheme: firstly, Wii Fit owners were searched by convenient sampling; then their family members were selected by systematic sampling to participant into the study. Respondents were restricted to those who were 16 years old or above and had using experiences on Wii Fit within the last three months. In total, there were 231 valid responses collected. The results indicated that users' satisfaction was influenced by their confirmation of expectation from prior Wii Fit use and perceived playfulness. Post-acceptance perceived usefulness, ease of use and playfulness were influenced by users' confirmation level. However, perceived ease of use and usefulness did not affect users' satisfaction. It implied that Wii Fit has been regarded as a Sports video game with entertainment only instead of a health administrative tool. Finally, the research and managerial implementations were discussed.


曾欣儀(2015)。國中生體感體驗對體驗滿意度與運動態度之探討-以Wii Sports 為例〔碩士論文,朝陽科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0078-2502201617122402
