  • 期刊


A Methodology for the Construction of a Spatial Database by Object-Structuring Digital Topographic Data


數值地形圖中蘊藏了豐富的地形地物資訊,許多GIS應用都會使用數值地形圖資料做為資料來源。在數值地形圖中,地理物件的空間及非空間資料分別利用各式各樣的圖元來表示,而GIS中可操作的資料皆以物件為基本單元。因此,在GIS中使用數值地形圖資料時,必須先進行地理物件重建。地理物件重建工作往往需在各個GIS業務單位中反覆進行,造成不必要的資源浪費。本研究探討使用大比例尺數值地形圖資料重建地理物件的基本作業流程,以及將圖元資料重建成為符合OGC Simple Feature為基礎的基本地理物件所使用的方法。目前測繪地形圖的作業方式,嚴重地影響了地理物件重建的效率,文中提出了數點改變測量及製圖的作業方式的建議,希望能夠藉此提升作業效率。


Digital topographic maps contain large amount of geographic information which are widely used in GIS applications. In digital maps, graphical primitives are used to represent the spatial and non-spatial components of the real world phenomenon. In GIS, however, the operable data must be organized into objects. That is why restructuring is required before using the digital topographic maps in the GIS. Different GIS organizations repeat the same restructuring process which is a waste of resource. This paper presents a methodology of building spatial database using large-scale digital topographic maps by restructuring the graphical primitives into geographic objects which are based on the OGC Simple Feature Specifications. The effectiveness of restructuring is closely related to the map production and data collecting strategies. This paper proposes several suggestions, which are intended to achieve higher efficiency with minimum additional cost, by changing the data collecting process and criteria.
