  • 期刊


Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children: A Case Report


注意力不足過動症(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD)是一種在兒童時期出現的過動、衝動、注意力不集中症狀,這些症狀影響認知、學習、行為、情感和社會功能。三分之一的過動症兒童會有一種或多種共存疾病,例如:學習障礙、對立性反抗障礙、行為障礙、焦慮症、憂鬱症、睡眠障礙、酒精藥物濫用、妥瑞症(Tourette syndrome, TS)。本案例為一位11歲男童,經西醫診斷有ADHD共病TS。前來就診的症狀包含專注力差、容易忘東忘西、情緒起伏大、時常發出無意義單音、肩膀抽動、扮鬼臉,中醫診斷為心陰不足、肝風內動,方用天王補心丹、薄荷、佛手、百合、蔓荊子、桃仁。經中西醫結合治療後症狀明顯改善,現仍持續門診追蹤治療中。


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention which first appear in childhood. These symptoms affect cognition, learning, behavior, emotion, and social function. One-third of children with ADHD have one or more coexisting disorders, such as learning disabilities, oppositional defiant disorder, behavioral disorders, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, substance use, and Tourette syndrome (TS). There is still no satisfactory treatment now. This is a case of an 11-year-old boy who was diagnosed with ADHD comorbid TS. He came to our outpatient department with poor attention, forgetfulness, emotional dysregulation, grunting, shoulder shrugging, and grimacing. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) diagnosed as heart yin deficiency and liver wind stirring internally. The prescription was modified by using Tianwang Buxin Dan, Peppermint Herb (bo he), Finger Citron (fo shou), Lily Bulb (bai he), Shrub Chastetree Fruit (man jing zi), and Peach Kernel (tao ren). After one year of TCM treatment, the patient's symptoms have improved significantly. He still comes to our outpatient clinic regularly for follow-up treatment.
