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To Investigate the Homogeneities of the Soccer Player's Athletics Ability between Europe and South America by Analyzing Age, Height, Weight, and BMI of the Goalkeeper, Forward, Midfielder, and Defende


依據世界杯奪冠紀錄顯示,歐洲與南美洲主導了近百年世界足壇的領導地位,世界足壇的舞台始終都由歐洲與南美洲地區之國家輪流擔演主要角色,為提供亞洲區國家提升足球水準之佐證參考,本篇研究對象以2006年世界杯足球賽晉級決賽之歐洲區四強隊伍,及晉級32強之南美洲區四強隊伍之球員為研究對象,並對合計共184位足球運動員進行同質性分析探討,主要研究探討目的為:一、探討是否球員在年齡、身高、體重或體格之因素,影響歐洲四強與南美洲四強在足球競技能力之表現,二、比較歐洲四強與南美洲四強在足球不同專長位置之球員間的年齡、身高、體重或體格之同質性;並藉由統計方法兩獨立樣本之t檢定方法(t-test)及雙因子變異數分析方法(two-way ANOVA)來進行探討分析。研究結果指出,歐、南美洲四強整體足球運動員身高與體重之表現,雖有統計上顯著之差異(P值<0.05),但在年齡與體格指數的表現上卻相當具有同質性(P值>0.05),說明了傳統強隊之整體球員會具備相當高度之一致性於年齡與體格指數的表現上。期藉此研究結果,提供亞洲地區國家在提升足球競技能力之相關資訊,並追趕歐洲與南美洲等地區國家之足壇地位,更期能據此分析結果提供日後評估足球運動選才與後續相關研究之參考。


According to the records of the FIFA World Cup champion's lists, the top roles were played and led by turns by Europe and South America for hundreds of years. Therefore, in this research, in order to provide the evidence of reference for promoting the soccer level in Asia, we collected, analyzed and compared the 184 soccer players in the 2006 FIFA World Cup. There were a half of these 184 soccer players from four teams in Europe, and there also were 92 soccer players from four teams in South America. In this study, the first main purpose was to analyze the homogeneities of athletics ability of the soccer players between in Europe and South America by their age, height, weight, and BMI. And the second main purpose, we tried to find the evidence of the homogeneities of the soccer player's athletics ability in Europe and South America by analyzing age, height, weight, and BMI of the Goalkeeper, Forward, Midfielder, and Defender. Though the statistical methods, t-test and two-way ANOVA, we found that the difference of height and weight from the soccer players between in Europe and South America would affect their athletics ability in soccer (P-value<0.05). But the homogeneities for age and BMI from the soccer players between in Europe and South America would explain the same characters from the top level soccer teams of the FIFA World Cup(P-value>0.05). The more detail results and conclusions would be displayed later in this paper. From those results and conclusions, we expected that it was enough to provide the information for promoting the soccer player's athletics ability in Asia, and for evaluating the soccer players to organize a team by coaches, or as the reference for the related researches.


2006 World Cup Goalkeeper Forward Midfielder Defender BMI


