  • 會議論文


Case Studies of Paintings by Johannes Vermeer: Sensation Experience from Painterly Space


在以視覺刺激作為觀畫手段的影像世界中,如何使觀看者從繪畫作品中能真正如實地經驗到繪畫者內在情感與對世界的看法,本研究主要探討以室內日常生活景象作為描繪內容的風俗繪畫裡的空間、人與物件裡繪畫意象中交互流動中的感官經驗(視、聽、嗅、味、觸,五感-觸覺);繪畫者將其內在情感呈現在表象畫作上而能讓觀者借用透過視覺-一種看、見方式的輔助引導下促使觀者身體的感官-觸覺,以一種無限想像力似的經驗而觸發觀者第六感-意識覺的觸及、覺知與理解繪畫者意欲呈現的畫意象。本文自17^(th)荷蘭風俗畫派眾多畫家們中最為人所稱譽-Johannes Vermeer(1632-1675),將從他35幅畫作其中一幅不僅為人們耳熟能詳同時能完整體現17^(th)荷蘭女性的生活日常景象《The Milkmaid》為探討對象,探討過程中從繪畫技巧、女性形象、物件意涵與室內性四個方向進行相關文獻分析作為鋪墊,自研究Vermeer文本分析為脈絡,並以觸覺經驗為中心的相關論述成佐證作為本文中心軸。


觸覺經驗 Vermeer 繪畫空間 風俗畫


In this world, which is full of visions and images, it is an issue that how visual stimuli assist viewers to genuinely realize thoughts and emotions that painters have towards the world. This study aims at genre paintings with themes of common scenes in our daily life including space, people and objects which interact with one another allowing viewers to gain sensory experience, namely sensation and perception. Spectators are aware of the true feelings that artists were having when creating the artwork by viewing, a way of being mentally and physically aware through perceiving objects directly. Like imagination, that awareness triggers the sixth sense of spectators which is also known as touch with awareness, with which they comprehend and acknowledge imagery presented by the artists. This paper focuses on one out of the 35 masterpieces that thoroughly reveals common scenes of contemporary female figures in Dutch called The Milkmaid created by Johannes Vermeer (1632-1675) , a renowned genre painter among Dutch artists in the 17^(th) century. Observations and discoveries of the four areas; painting techniques, female images, hidden meanings of objects and interior space, serve the main theme of this paper. The core value is presented by exemplifying sensation experience along with exploring of artwork of Johannes Vermeer.
