  • 期刊


When a Good Fit Can Be Better! The Influence of Two Types of Person-Organization Fit on Knowledge Sharing and Creative Behavior


本研究將個人組織配適(person-organization fit, P-O fit)區分成相似配適(similarity fit)與互補配適(complementary fit)兩獨立構面,強調互補配適也是P-O fit概念裡之另一獨立構面,補足過去研究僅以相似配適來衡量P-O fit的缺口。並探討P-O fit對知識分享與創意行爲之影響,而非承襲過去P-O fit相關研究大多聚焦在工作結果變數。本研究以高科技公司的成員爲樣本,採層級迴歸對資料進行驗證。研究結果顯示:互補配適對相似配適與知識分享意圖之關係具有顯著調節效果,尤其在高度互補配適搭配高度相似配適的情況下,對於知識分享與創意行爲所產生之影響最大。


In this study, we adapted two dimensions of person-organization fit (P-O fit) to explore the impacts of knowledge sharing and creative behavior. Prior research saw P-O fit as similarity fit, but we emphasized on another factor of P-O fit, complementary fit, in this study. Drawing on representative samples of employees in high-tech companies, and conducted a series of hierarchical linear modeling analyses and T testing. The results showed that similarity and complementary fit both have positive relationships with knowledge sharing intention and creative behaviors. Similarity fit moderated the relationship between complementary fit and knowledge sharing intention. Besides, the score of creative behavior is the highest under high level complementary with high level similarity fit. These findings led to a number of conclusions and implication for theorists and practitioners.


