  • 期刊


The Truth of Body Consciousness and Living world-the Union of Theory and practice-Wang Yang Ming


本文企圖由陽明的學說去理解理論與實踐合一的化身-陽明學說的生命學問,生命理解詮釋乃是此有在生活世界的遭遇而形構出其理想視域來。換言之,陽明先生是透過此有的身體意識去體現出所謂知行合一的真理,也就是透過身體脈胳去探詢的全人身心靈結合的真理。 陽明學說理想視域乃在於心上,只要能發揮心的靈明虛覺本質,則天地萬物皆備,這種話語充滿了神祕特色,他強調心靈與生活世界的互動溝通,王陽明心靈原點乃是一無拘執的眼界場所,它所呈現乃是多樣性的生活世界,多樣的生活世呈現於時空流化之中,心靈對此有直接體悟,為心靈覺性,稱為本真直覺,是無偏見的本然天真,呈現本真所直觀的世界,為時空中事件,為生活的世界。於是乎窮理不必外求,理非離心獨立,理在事中,也在人心,若人能去心的私欲之蔽,則能復其本體,則能照見五蘊。 整體而言,對陽明學說理解,可以由「致良知」、「心即是理」等來加以發揮,筆者試圖探討心靈或說是此有與生活世界之間的關係。將一般學者所重的陽明先生致良知的知行合一的道德實踐層面上溯到心的形上虛靈明覺層面,因為陽明先生所說「吾心之良知,即所謂天理也。」正是指出了心的形上本體乃是落實在生活世界的實踐思考,盼能以此回對生命內省思考的道德層次轉為一種存有本根的生命體驗探詢。


I will attempt to illustrate Wang Yang Ming's knowledge of life, which is the integration of theory and practice in his doctrine, and this interpretation of understanding of life can be realized as Dasein encounters the living world and constitutes the ideal horizon. In other words, Wang Yang Ming carried out the truth of the union of knowing and doing through Dasein's consciousness of body, namely, the truth of the union of body, mind and soul through the context of body. Wang Yang Ming's ideal horizon depends upon the mind. If somebody could develop the clear and conscious quality of the mind, he would know everything in the universe. However, these words are full of the mysterious character. He emphasized the interaction and communication between the mind and the living world. Wang Yang Ming's starting-point of mind is an extensive horizon which presents the diversity of living world in the change of time and space. The mind has the direct understanding of this, which is called authentic intuition. It is the natural innocence without prejudice and presents the world intuited authentically, which is the events in time and space, namely, the living world. Therefore, if we want to research the principle of things, we don't need to search for it outside the mind. The principle is not independent from mind; it is in the things and also in the mind. If we could sweep away the private desire which covers the mind, we would recover the noumenon of mind and see the five aggregates (five categories) clearly. As a whole, we can understand Wang Yang Ming's doctrine through ”Teachings on the Realization of the Innate Good” and ”Mind is principle”. I would like to research the relationship between the mind or Dasein and the living world. My approach traces back to the metaphysical aspect of clear and conscious mind from Wang Yang Ming's ”Teachings on the Realization of the Innate Good” and ”the union of knowing and doing”, which belong to the moral practice aspect usually emphasized by scholars, for Wang Yang Ming has said, ”The consciousness of our mind is the principle of heaven”. This sentence illustrates that the noumenon of mind is fulfilled in the practice of the living world. I hope that the reflective thinking of life on the moral level can be transformed into a fundamental inquiry for life.




