  • 期刊


Developing the Competency Assessment Platform for Global Logistics and Trade Service Talents


本研究探討如何培養我國全球運籌與貿易服務之整合型人才(Integrator of Global Logistics and Trade Service),進以建構職能評鑑(Competency assessment)與人才發展之產學合作中介平台,從而塑造台灣成爲「全球資源整合者」,並且藉由暢通的金流、物流、資訊流、人才流與環境流,及強韌的實體與虛擬運籌網絡,做爲全球市場與區域市場的橋樑。最終的目的,乃是預先落實人才評選、儲備與教育培訓,以求促進與確保「2015台灣產業新願景」之達成與實踐。台灣要成爲「全球資源整合者」,除地理優勢之外,更重要的是,國內本地必須擁有堅韌而彈性靈活的企業、完整的上中下游產業聚落、完善的基礎建設以及適合先進科技研發的產業環境等;尤其是,必須更進一步培養出具有全球觀、e化能力與全球運籌管理人才,如此,將可更有效地促使上述願景之實現。本研究所提職能評鑑平台之建構計畫,涵蓋全球運籌人才職能評鑑、職能發展、本位課程規劃與產學合作平台推動,當可有效逐步推動上述人才培育之目標達成。本研究以大華技術學院商管學群爲主導,透過聯盟的技職院校之校際合作,當可成爲北台灣運籌管理與貿易服務人才之示範與前導的培育中心。


This Competency Assessment Platform (CAP) aims to provide well-educated Human Resources with integrated capability in global logictics and Trade Service which shall server as the growth engines for Taiwan economy in the next 5-10 years. Taiwan as an integrator of global logistics and trade requires several vital competences such as: the highly competitive standards of agility, flexibility, and efficiency. Through this CAP framework, we could easily identify those general as well as domain capability and characteristics required by industry. Further, following these competency requirements could realign or even renovate our courses and programs in related departments. Finally, we plan to bring people with industry practice experience to join our program through executing extensive and intensive cooperation between industry and universities. With three closely-related subprograms, this three-year and interdisciplinary program in terms of the cooperation of industrial sectors and academic fields can certainly make forward graduates highly competent and contribute to the above long-term economic missions set in 2015 New Vision for Taiwan.


李右婷、吳偉文(2003)。Competency 導向人力資源管理。台北:普林斯頓。
吳偉文、李右婷(2006)。人力資源管理- 讀解職能密碼。台北:普林斯頓。
經濟部 (2007),2015 台灣產業願景大調查,<http://www.taiwan2015.org/>。
國際貿易局中華民國進出口貿易統計 (2008),<http://cus93.trade.gov.tw/fsci/>。
