  • 期刊


How to Become a Great Golf Coach


高爾夫球教練必須要具備豐富的想像力與經驗,對於的各種不同地形的場地與草種有正確的判讀。所以頂尖的高爾夫球選手背後都有一位優秀的高爾夫球教練。高爾夫球是一項注重個人技術、心理層面的運動,並且會隨著天氣的變化,場地的不同、對手的影響及桿弟的桿判斷,使成績也會有所不同。因此高爾夫球教練必須具備1.高爾夫球教練的本質,2.對於國際規則的瞭解,3.戰略以上之能力以便於贯徹其訓練法並有效實施。教練的領導行爲可分爲獨裁的、民主的與放任的,其中以獨裁的與民主的最爲普遍。前者是以嚴格的方式带領選手,選手不易與教練溝通,一切的訓練計畫都以教練的決策爲主,此領導行爲會增加教練與選手的距離;後者是以民主的方式带領選手,選手與教練有良好的溝通的方式,教練採納選手的意見,並一起計論訓練計畫。因此教練带領選手之前先瞭解選手的人格物質之後,再考慮採用何種領導行爲,以逹到因材施教的教育方式,並希望有朝一日臺灣能培養出另一位的Tiger Woods,在國際的舞台讓臺灣的名字更響亮。


Golf coach must have plentiful imagination and experience to handle with the difference golf course and grasses. For that reason, an elite golf player has a great golf coach behind. Golf game emphasized that the individual skill, psychology and the different score will influences from weather variation, courses difference, opponent's performance and caddie's effect. Therefore, golf coaches have to be provided: (a) golf coach's innate character, (b) understand international rules of golf and (c) strategy of golf follow that step be able to take effect. Golf coaches' leadership style including (a) authoritarian leadership style, (b) democratic leadership style and (c) laisser-faire, but for the authoritarian leadership style and democratic leadership style were more general. Authoritarian leader maintains strict control over followers by training plan. Authoritarian leaders also create distance between themselves and their followers. A democratic leader engaged in supportive communication facilitates interaction between leaders and followers. Therefore, the coach needs to understand players' personality before choice the leadership style to training the players. We expected that another Tiger Woods train up by the coach in Taiwan in the future and let Taiwan more famous in the world.


Golf Coach Golf Play Leadership Behavior
