  • 會議論文

具海拔變化的Google Maps自行車軌跡網站

A Having Elevation-Variation Google Maps Bicycle Trail Web Site


自行車旅遊健身近年已經普遍流行於各階層的自行車愛好者。而GPS(Global Positioning System)軌跡記錄器的普及,亦引發相關網站的崛起。其中,使用Google Maps/Google Earth等進行軌跡展示及提供軌跡相片的定位下載以進行行動裝置的相片導航等功能,便是一項相當受重視的網站主題。但其提供的海拔變化呈現功能未臻完善,因為海拔變化圖與地圖是分離的,這樣造成想知道某軌跡點附近的海拔變化時,需要自己對照地圖與海拔變化圖,不但不方便而且費時;更何況有些軌跡可能重複走過相同路段,這在傳統的架構裡,會造成對照出來的海拔資料有錯誤的情形,但在我們的架構裡則沒有這個問題。 本論文提出的將海拔高度的變化情形呈現於地圖上,是目前及過去網站所沒有的,特別適用於自行車等重視坡度變化的應用。其方式利用軌跡記錄器記錄的經緯度及對應的海拔高度,使用箭頭圖放置於Google Maps上對應的點,將箭頭圖的height屬性設為海拔相對高度,讓軌跡的呈現不再是一般傳統的點,而是以不同高度的箭頭圖來呈現,突破傳統坡度變化圖與地圖必須分離的方式。另外,我們也利用Google Map API提供的移圖功能,使用一隻動畫的卡卡狗在軌跡上面沿著軌跡的海拔跑,讓畫面更顯生動。而相片的部分,則提供相片GPS座標定位功能,使沒有GPS座標的相片,亦能藉由軌跡記錄器與相片拍攝時間的時差,求出座標,將相片顯示於地圖上,並將座標寫入相片檔中,以供下載進行相片導航。


In recent years, bicycle tourism and fitness have been prevalent in various ranks of the bike enthusiasts. And the GPS (Global Positioning System) track recorders becoming popular raises the rise of relative websites. Among them, using Google Maps/Google Earth to conduct track exhibit and provide positioning and download of track photos and using the downloaded photos to do navigation have become great demanded. But the provided functions for showing elevation-variation have not perfected, because the elevation-variation figure and the map are separated. This causes the inconvenient and time-consuming for users because they must contrast the elevation-variation figure and the map. Moreover, some tracks may have repeated sections. This can cause the resultant contrasted elevation-variation data wrong. But in our presented method, this situation won't occur. This paper is the first paper that studies the problems of how to show elevation-variation. The presented method to show elevation-variation has also not appeared in past and current web-sites. It is especially suitable in the application for bikers and the applications that attach importance to elevation-variation. The method shows the elevation by using the arrow pictures put on the track points by setting different heights to the arrow pictures. This is a breakthrough in conventional methods. In addition, by using an animation dog picture to run along the trajectory of the altitude above the elevation makes the shows more vivid. As for photo shows, by computing the time distance of recorders and digital cameras, we provide photo positioning function to make the photos that have not GPS coordinates own GPS coordinates.
