  • 期刊

Estudio de las colocaciones usadas en los examines de lectura de DELE y sugerencias didácticas para ELE en Taiwán


本研究根據Koike(2001)語詞搭配理論,藉助語料庫工具Corpus Tool^1,標注、分析和檢視DELE B1閱讀測驗文章中名詞和動詞片語的使用情形,再透過Corpus del Español^2,對比分析上述研究結果在其他西班牙語語料中的使用情形,作為西班牙語閱讀課詞彙學習之補充,提供台灣西班牙語學習者瞭解DELE B1閱讀測驗,協助提升西班牙語閱讀能力,達到通過DELE B1閱讀測驗之最終目標。


This paper aims to investigate the use of collocations in DELE B1 annotated by Corpus Tool. The differences of results of collocation use between Corpus Tool and Corpus del Español will be compared in order to provide supplementay materials for teaching of Spanish reading. We hope that the expected results of our research will offer important references for improving students' Spanish reading comprehension as well as for giving useful guide to those who want to pass reading comprehension examination of DELE B1.


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