  • 期刊


A Corpus-based Study of the Textual and Interpersonal Functions of Mandarin Chinese (Yao)Buran, Yaobu, and Fouze


華語「不然」和「否則」在古代漢語都有「不是如此,不是這樣」的意思,後來發展出「如果不是這樣」的意思,表示前面敍述了一種情況,反過來的另一種情況就不是這樣了。「不然」也有一些變體,如「要不」、「要不然」和「再不然」。本研究旨在探究「不然」、「要不然」和「要不」以及「否則」出現於日常會話及電視政論兩種不同的口語語體的特色。研究採用Halliday(1994)語言的三個元功能為分析架構,即“表義/概念功能”,“人際功能”和“語篇功能”。研究發現,「不然」及其變體(特別是「要不然」)出現在日常會話比電視政論多,然「否則」卻較多出現於電視政論。此外,本研究也顯示:從「不然」、「要不然」和「要不」在篇章與人際層面的功能來看,因其常出現在條件因果句或假設句,其意義具有主觀性,甚至交互主觀性(Traugott and Dasher 2002),故較常出現於不正式的口語會話中。「不然」已從「不是如此」的意義漸漸延伸至有高度主觀性,如表推論,與交互主觀性,如表建議的功能。另外,「(要)不然」與「要不」在功能上雖有許多相似處,但此二詞在語法化的後半部階段有不同的發展,故二者亦有不同處。為了掌握這不同領域中的語義語用現象,我們借助Fauconnier and Turner(2002)所提出的融合理論(Blending Theory)來解釋「不然」與「否則」所銜接的句子其背後的心理空間現象,進而說明其語法化現象的過程,並以前人的研究及本研究結果為基礎,考察口語中的「(要)不然」、「要不」和「否則」中語法化的程度。研究發現,與「不然」、「要不然」和「要不」相較,「否則」主觀性強,交互主觀性卻不如它們強。


This study discusses the textual and pragmatic (interpersonal) functions of the near-synonyms (yao) buran, yaobu and fouze, which parallel to English 'otherwise', or 'or', connecting two clauses to express 'or else; if not, then'. In particular, drawing on Halliday's (1994) three-level model, viz. ideational (propositional), textual and interpersonal functions, the study looks into their uses in two different text types: daily casual conversations and TV political panel discussions. The data show that (yao) buran and yaobu tend to occur in casual conversations, while fouze, in political panel discussions. In addition, yaobu is used differently from buran in some ways, though both of them might come from yaoburan, which is composed of yao and buran. As a whole, this study suggests that (yao) buran and fouze, which originally had a referential meaning 'not so', are subjective in the sense that they involve the speaker's assessment and evaluation of a proposition. However, the meanings of (yao) buran and yaobu are more subjective than that of fouze and they are even more intersubjective, which involves the speaker's attention to the addressee as a participant in the speech event (Traugott and Dasher 2002). Finally, we account for the differences between fouze and buran by using Fauconnier and Turner's Mental Space Blending Theory (2002).
