  • 期刊


從學習者的立場探討課堂授課及翻轉教學的學習效果|The learning effect of classroom lesson and flipped classroom from the learner's point of view




本研究是筆者擔任之一年級上學期初級日語語法課程,以「完全學習型」為目標,並以期中考為界,前半段採教師主導的課堂授課;後半段導入翻轉教學,授課完畢後以學習者的立場來探討這兩種教學法下之學生學習成效。課程實踐的結果,學生對於翻轉教學所帶來的自律學習習慣的養成多持肯定態度,且無論在讀書習慣上、或是每周課外的讀書時間數,翻轉教學的學習成效都比較明顯。雖是如此,學習者的真心話卻是認為教師課堂授課比翻轉教學更對自己的語法學習有助益,其原因為「自己不懂的地方,在教室現場可以馬上問同學或老師」、「在同步授課時,預習的內容早就忘記了,沒辦法好好的參與課程活動」、「看解說錄影時,容易受到外部環境的影響,無法集中精神;而同步授課比較有約束力,能夠專心」等。|This paper aims at "complete learning type" in the first half of the first grade Japanese grammar class that I was in charge of, and by incorporating a teacher-led simultaneous class in the first half and a "flipped classroom" in the second half, with the mid-term test as the boundary. From the learner's point of view, I would like to consider the learning effect in the classroom and flipped classroom. As a result of lesson practice, learners generally take positively in the development of autonomous learning habits brought about by flipped classrooms. In addition, the flipped classroom is more effective for the number of study hours and study habits outside the class in a week. Even so, the true intention of the learner is that the lesson format of the classroom lesson is more useful for his own grammar learning than the flipped classroom. The reason is, "If you have any questions, you can immediately ask your classmates and teachers in the classroom." "I have forgotten most of what I had prepared in the actual face-to-face class, so I can't work on the classroom activities well." and "When I watch the commentary video, I am easily influenced by the external environment and I can't concentrate. The classroom class is more binding and I can concentrate on it."


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