  • 期刊


Veteran Home Residents Satisfaction on Medical Care Services


本研究旨在瞭解榮家內住榮民之醫療服務滿意度及其相關影響因素,期能提供相關單位於改善醫療服務措施之參考。研究工具採自擬式問卷依榮家特性設計而成,並以面訪方式進行,經系統隨機抽樣選取137人,完成有效問卷126份。資料分析以t-test、Pearson's相關等進行推論性統計。 研究發現榮家內住榮民之個人特質、在外就醫經驗及因慢性病至其他醫療院所看診次數等與其醫療服務之滿意度有顯著關係。在四個構面中以「預防保健服務」最佳;在35項醫療服務滿意度(滿分為5分)中,滿意度較高之服務項目依序為衛教指導服務(4.20分)、血壓測量服務(4.16分)、血糖測量(4.15分)。滿意度較低之服務項目多屬「門診醫療服務」構面部分,依序為牙科支援醫師的服務(3.61分)、醫師所開的處方(3.75分)、看診醫師的服務(3.79分)。 研究針對榮家住民進行醫療服務品質的滿意度探討,發現住民對於榮家保健組所提供的各項服務均有不錯的滿意度,特別是在預防保健服務及環境衛生服務方面,深受住民的肯定,顯示榮家醫療保健服務的成效,研究結果將有助於榮家醫療保健服務品質的持續提升,亦能提供相關單位參考。


The main purpose of this study was to understand the satisfaction on medical care services for residents at the veteran home. Study subjects were elderly residents of a veteran home at Taipei County. Any of the residents suffering from dementia or cognitive impairment were excluded from the study. Ultimately, a total of 137 elderly males, over the age of 65 years, were randomly selected, and 126 of these were successfully interviewed by researchers, giving a response rate of 92 per cent. Bivariate analyses, t-test and Pearson correlation, were used to assess the associations between the predictors and the satisfaction on medical care services. The study found that residents' medical care services satisfaction was significantly related with the characteristics of elderly and their experience of medical care out of the veteran home. Preventive health care was found as the highest satisfaction among four dimensions of medical care services. With a list of 35 items of satisfaction on medical care services, scored by a 5-points scale, health education services (4.20), blood pressure measurement (4.16), and blood sugar measurement (4.15) were the leading items of satisfaction. Conversely, dentist services (3.61), physician prescription (3.75), and physician services (3.79) were on lower satisfaction in terms of medical care services. Findings of this study may have significant implications on veteran care policy, performance evaluation within veteran homes, and further study on quality of medical care.


