  • 期刊


A Peer-to-peer Information Sharing System Based on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks


近年來由於無線行動通訊技術的進步與智慧行動通訊裝置運算能力大幅提升,其通訊方式與網路應用也越來越多元化,又受益於社交網路與Web 2.0興起,行動裝置也成為大眾分享資料的主要工具之一。本文將以Web 2.0的概念出發,突破傳統集中式的服務提供方式的限制,開發一個適用於以行動隨意網路所建構的同儕網路環境上的資訊分享應用系統。藉著以適地性服務為預期應用並發展單車騎乘應用程式,本文中所發展之資訊分享應用系統框架能夠有效的管理行動同儕網路上之資料,使用者可以輕易的透過無線行動裝置散佈與存取資訊,並且將其開發具有彈性與擴充性,可抽換上層應用服務元件,使該分享系統可擴充為各種不同的應用服務系統。


In recent years, with the significant advance on the technology of wireless communication, mobile devices, and computing, the ways to communicate and network applications becomes diverse, including the social networks and the concept of Web2.0. The mobile devices have thus become one of the popular tools to share and publish information. In this paper, we present an information sharing system, which consists of mobile devices and follows the concept of Web2.0. The system is organized as a peer-to-peer network with the mobile ad hoc network as the underlying architecture and can provide different types of services. The users can easily access and publish information using mobile devices. Since the demand on location-based services (LBS) is increasing dramatically in these days, we use LBS as the information service and developing a bicycle riding information service for demonstration. The developed information sharing system framework can effectively manage the information on the mobile peer-to-peer network and make users to access and spread the information through wireless mobile devices easily. The application services on the top layer of the system are modulized; thus making the system able to be expanded into a variety of different applications or service systems.


