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Ecological Campus Development at the National Taipei University of Technology



一個成功的生態校園,或生態社區甚至生態都市,皆應是居民長期的人文關懷所營造出來的。因此,一個社區人文生態校園應是國立台北科技大學(以下簡稱北科大)未來校園發展的願景。北科大生態校園建構之發展,主要分為四個時期:一、萌芽期(1980-1999年)。二、整合期(2000-2002年)。三、實踐期(2003-2007年)。四、願景期(2007年-迄今)。 校園生態設計是國家生態環境建構中重要的一環。每個人心中皆有一顆綠芽,只等待著被澆水成長茁壯,北科大生態校園於建構過程中,此綠芽已慢慢成長蔓延,這是一種整體的成長,它形成了一股潛伏的巨大支持力量。面對環境保護日益重視的廿一世紀,北科大未來更要珍惜既有成果並將生態校園作更精緻化的經營,於行政體系內制定相關綱領,將之制度化乃當務之急。


Development of eco-campus in National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT) was first introduced around 1980 by the dean of General Affairs, dean of general affairs, Sun Guo-Shun (currently president of Min Hwei College of Health Care Management), for the purpose of adding humanities corners and improving campus environment. Such a humanistic concern plays the role of a deep structure in development of eco-environment. Consequently, we (including the faculty of College of Humanities and Sciences) in 2003 began to urge that eco-environment be expanded to humanistic eco-environment. In 1980 the administration bought a large number of stones, adorned the Chinese banyan garden and other spots of the campus with water scenes, and planted various vines on the walls of several buildings (Guanghua Hall, Civil Engineering Hall and Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering Hall). The green fences, with the bird nests they contain, became the outward image of an eco-campus (Figure.1). Though part of it was casually eliminated during building renovation later, and so far there is no guarantee of its future existence, the waterscape of Chinese banyan garden with its diverse plants is still an important basis of humanities activities.




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