  • 期刊


The Survey of Wellness Lifestyle Status in Male Adolescent Badminton Players


目的:本研究旨在瞭解青少年男子羽球運動員在全人健康等生活型態的現況。方法:本研究係以男子羽球隊隊員為研究對象,並以問卷方式進行調查,回收有效問卷213份(羽球員105份;一般生108份),所有數據資料採用獨立樣本 t 檢定分析並加以探討。結果:一、青少年羽球選手在全人健康等級中,於健康體能、營養、個人衛生健康及環境的健康與保護四個項次皆優於一般同齡的學生。二、在敵意評估等級部分,青少年羽球選手具有攻擊得分的傾向,而一般高中學生則具有憤世嫉俗的現象。三、青少年羽球運動員在A型性格的表現上及抗壓性的部分則與一般學生相同,並無差異。結論:運動員於全人健康整體面向來看,在青少年階段的表現是較一般學生好,然而,在攻擊傾向的問題則是青少年運動員應注意改善的部分。


Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the wellness lifestyle status in male adolescent badminton players. Methods: The subjects of this survey were 105 adolescent badminton players (BP) and 108 (Control group; CG.) senior high school students. There were 213 valid questionnaires in this study. All examined data were analyzed by independent t-test. Results: 1) BP had better scores than CG at the rates in health-related fitness, nutrition, personal hygiene/ health and environmental health & protection”. 2) BP had shown a tendency of aggression and CG had shown a tendency of cynicism. 3) There were no differences between BP and CG in Type A behavior and tress vulnerability. Conclusion: The male adolescent badminton players have a good wellness lifestyle status, but they are prone to be offensive. The offensive personalities in male adolescent badminton players might be noticed to improve during training period.
