  • 期刊


A Study of Paiwan's Musical Characteristics in Tavalan Village


排灣族為臺灣原住民中的第二大族,除擁有眾多的人口數,在音樂、服飾、雕刻、陶藝等文化藝術方面,更是具有高度的發展。根據日本學者移川子之藏的研究,可將排灣族分為Raval(拉瓦爾亞族)與Butsul(布曹爾亞族),本論文的研究主題大社村,以往稱之為Tavalan(達瓦蘭),即為拉瓦爾亞族的發源地。大社村的傳統歌謠,其歌唱運作上,可分為單音歌唱時Parutavak(領唱)與眾唱,以及複音歌唱時的Cemikem(高音聲部)與Zemingrav(低音聲部),藉由歌唱的專屬詞彙,顯示出大社部落的傳統音樂具有相當程度的發展。在音樂特點上,具有三音組織、四音組織、五音組織、六音組織,四種基本類型,且半音音程較少,為該部落的音樂特點。在旋律開頭方面,多以上行作為歌唱的開始;歌謠的結尾,則是多以下行作為結束。複音歌唱為排灣族的一大特點,然而以往的文獻僅記載複音歌謠中的持續音(drone bass)歌唱;但大社部落的傳統單音歌謠,以相同的歌唱概念,將同音反覆的歌唱方式,應用於單音歌謠的句尾處,形成如同持續音的歌唱效果。


排灣 拉瓦爾 達瓦蘭 大社 複音 持續音


Paiwan is the second largest aborigine tribe in Taiwan. Besides the great amount of population, its cultural arts, such as music, clothing, carving, and clay modeling are also highly developed.According to the research of N. Utsurikawa, a Japanese researcher, Paiwan consists of Raval Sub-tribe and Bustsul Sub-tribe. Tavalan Village (also called Dashe Village in Mandarin), the subject of this thesis, is namely the origin of Raval Sub-tribe.There are two ways to perform the traditional songs: Parutavak (leading voice) and Tutti in the monophonic ones; Cemikem (treble voice) and Zemingrav (bass voice) in the polyphonic ones.Speaking of the musical characteristics, four types of tone systems are used in the traditional songs in Tavalan Village: tritonic, tetratonic, pentatonic, and hexatonic tone systems. Less use of semitone is also another musical characteristic in Tavalan Village.Polyphony is one main characteristic of Paiwan music. Most of the literatures only focus on the performing method, drone bass, in polyphonic songs. However, the similar concept is also applied in the monophonic songs in Tavalan Village. At the end of the songs, the repeat of same pitch forms the sound effect of drone bass..


Paiwan Raval Tavalan Dashe Polyphony Drone Bass
