  • 期刊


"Thick Translation" as an Approach to Translational Footnotes: Angela Carter's Fiction in Taiwan


本研究試圖探討法國社會學家皮耶.布迪厄(Pierre Bourdieu)的資本(capital)概念,將之應用於詮釋分析英國作家安潔拉.卡特(Angela Carter, 1940-1992)小說譯本中的譯註。卡特的小說是由行人出版社於2004年起陸續譯介引進台灣,至2007年止共計出版五部九冊,其目的在補足翻譯文學市場上,後現代前衛實驗小說的空缺。採用社會學的角度來分析該系列譯本中的大量譯註,讓我們得以深入探討包括原作者、編輯與譯者在內等多位影響譯本產出的作用者(agent)其文化與社會資本效益;譯註作為一種翻譯側文本(paratext),促成了稠密譯本(thick translation)的產生,而建構稠密譯本時,各語言文化參與者間互動的模式,則可透過資本的概念將之清晰勾勒描繪。譯註分析在本研究中有兩項主要功能:其一,重建編輯與翻譯過程,藉由釐清各方影響力來描述翻譯小說文本敘事的形成。其二,提供與文本交叉比對的管道,除正文外,譯註中的印記有助於研究者理解出版過程中的多面向考量,並探討此一理解譯本的索引,如何建立讀者閱讀卡特小說的蹊徑。本研究嘗試指出,譯註的使用並非僅是文本的詮釋或補遺,而是出版過程中各語言文化多方參與者資本與權力平衡下的結果。


This paper attempts to examine the way in which ”capital” (Bourdieu, 1986) and ideology are reflected in translational footnotes, a major paratextual feature that characterises the Chinese translation of English novelist Angela Carter's fiction published in Taiwan. Flâneur, an independent publisher who has identified the lack of experimental literary fiction in Taiwan as an opportunity to appeal to a niche market, releases five translations of Angela Carter's works between 2004 and 2007. A sociological approach to the composition of footnotes is used in order to allow for a consideration for the agents involved in the production of translated fiction; these include publishers, editors and translators. In particular, the study adopts Bourdieu's concept of ”capital” to discuss the workings of ”thick translation” (Appiah, 1993) as evident in works using translational footnotes.The analysis of footnotes serves two major functions: first, it allows the reconstruction of the editing and translating process, revealing how a certain narrative around a translated work of fiction was elaborated by various forces. Second, it enables the examination of strategies used to introduce readers to Carter's fiction, which extend beyond the main texts. This paper suggests that translational footnotes are more than an explanatory apparatus that facilitates readers' comprehension. They also provide an insight into the negotiation of various forms of capital and power.


陳光興 編(2001)。文化研究在台灣。巨流圖書公司。
楊雅婷 譯(2007)。馬戲團之夜。臺北:行人。
