  • 期刊


A Study of Participation and Attitudes toward Survey Research among Agricultural Extension Agents in Taiwan




Extension agents of township-level Farmer's Association in Taiwan has for long not only been an agricultural extension educator and administrative affairs executor, but also a highly involved participant in agricultural research, particularly the survey research. This study is aimed at exploring the involvement of extension agents in agricultural survey research, and their attitudes toward survey as well. The relationship between involvement and attitudes toward survey research is examined afterwards.The findings reveal that considerable amount of respondents express experience of being surveyed and helping conduct the interview with regard to agricultural survey. Playing the role of an interviewer and even a survey conductor is also not uncommon. As a whole, the high participation of agricultural extension agents in research very likely has led to serious response bias which consequently might impact the research quality. Furthermore, based on the findings of structural equation modeling analysis, the higher the extension agents participated in survey research, the more they would hold negative attitudes toward survey. This issue deserves more attention and critical thinking from all agricultural researchers.
