  • 期刊


The Development of Drawing/Cold Forging Progressive Die for TO-can Cap


隨著光通訊與光儲存兩大市場的成長,2006年台灣的雷射二極體產業整體產值將超過40億元新台幣,但是下游所需之TO-can構裝元件,仍有九成以上仰賴進口。因此,希望藉由本研究開發TO-can殼蓋所需之生產模具,降低雷射二極體產業對國外金屬構裝零件的依賴程度。 製作TO-can型殼蓋主要有兩項技術關鍵,首先是降低KOVAR材料加工硬化情形,以效控制成品之外形尺寸精度。其次是掌握壓印成形時材料的流動,使殼蓋凸出部高度的均一性符合要求。為克服這些困難點本研究結合沖壓與沖鍛製程技術,開發生產TO-can殼蓋之引伸與壓印複合連續模具。在本文中將介紹成形製程之模擬分析與模具設計概念,同時針對試模的問題點及因應對策做一說明。


引伸 壓印 加工硬化 連續模具


Due to the thriving growth on optical communication and storage market, the overall output of Taiwan's laser diode industries will surpass 4 billion NTD in 2006. Meanwhile, over 90 percent components of the TO-can packing rely on imports. In order to reduce the dependence of imports, the research develops a drawing/cold forging progressive die to manufacture TO-can Two main technical keys to manufacture the TO-can cap are stated as following: the first is how to reduce the work hardening of KOVAR material and control the dimension precision of end product. Next is to master the forming process of coining and keep the projection height uniform. In this study, we integrate the cold forging technology with stamping process to develop a progressive die for TO-can cap manufacturing. The research is aim to offer a reasonable and effective manufacturing process of the TO-can cap. The result of forming process simulation, the design concept of die, and the final conclusions will be introduced in this article.


drawing coining work hardening progressive die
