  • 期刊


The Trend of Presidential Immunity from Criminal Prosecution in International Law


伊拉克前總統海珊(Saddam Hussein)是在紐倫堡大審後,國際社會上第一位因違反人道罪而被判死刑的國家元首,而這無疑是現代國際法的一項重大轉折。國家元首享有刑事豁免權乃是一項歷史淵源已久的國際習慣法規,但為保護國際社會更為根本和重大的利益,現代國際刑法也要求必須嚴懲某些國際犯罪。從而,上述國際刑法原則已逐漸取得習慣法的確認,傳統豁免權的絕對效力正在逐步的減弱中,而未來國際刑事犯罪行為的嫌疑犯,再以其過去職位主張豁免權保護時,也必然會漸漸地喪失其效果。


The former president of Iraq Saddam Hussein, was the first head of state to be sentenced to death for crimes against humanity since the Nuremberg trail. It is undoubtedly a significant revolution on the international law of modern times. For the head of state to entitle to the presidential immunity from criminal prosecution, has been a long standing principle of the international customs law. Nevertheless, to protect even more fundamental and important interests of the international society, severe penalties to certain international crimes are also imposed by the modern international criminal law. Therefore, the absolute power of the traditional presidential immunity principle, has been weakening because of the new principle is gradually taking its place by practice of the international customs law. It will consequentially diminish the effect of suspects of international crimes to claim the presidential immunity protection on the ground of previous positions.


1961年維也納外交關係公約(Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations)。
1963年維也納領事關係公約(Vienna Convention on Consular Relations)。
1969年聯合國特派使節團公約(Convention on Special Missions)。
1984年國際反酷刑和其他刑罰或非人道殘酷對待或虐待公約(Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment)。
